Recruitment Into Security Services: We Won't Sell Forms - Interior Minister Clarifies

Recruitment Into Security Services: We Won't Sell Forms - Interior Minister Clarifies

The Interior Minister, Henry Quartey has stated that, the various security agencies will open advertisements to the general public but, prospective recruits will not be made to buy forms.

In view of that, the Interior Ministry together with the security agencies have concluded that, recruitment will be opened but forms will not be sold to the public.

There will be recruitment, which is a fact.

But the agencies have not advertised.

The clarity in this matter is that, yes, they will advertise but we will not sell forms.”According to the Ayawaso Central lawmaker, recruitment forms have been sold over the years to thousands of applicants, but it is a handful that get called by the various security agencies.

If we don’t take care, we will be disenfranchising a lot of people who have what it takes to be recruited into the security force," he said.



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Source: PeaceFMOnline

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