International Women’s Day: Boldly Confront Macro-Micro Issues Confronting Women - SDD-Ghana To Stakeholders

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There have been considerable global efforts directed at extending the agency of women.

National Governments have implemented programmes, enacted bills and refined policies aimed at seeking improvements in the lives of women.

It is the considered view of SDD-Ghana that these are not favours extended to women, but corrective steps to reverse the years of marginalization and disproportionate underrepresentation of women in many political, social, and economic spaces.

This is an invitation to tackle structural, cultural and institutional bottlenecks that have historically conspired to hobble the imperative of ensuring that women have access to economic, social and political resources to create and consolidate agency.

But SDD also wants to caution that passing the bill should not become an exercise in merely ticking boxes without conscious efforts to address the numerous issues confronting women in society.

As we strive to magnify voices of women, let us ensure that we are not fixating on urban woman, to the exclusion of millions of women who continue to bear the harsh burdens of marginalization, unpaid care work and other subtle and not-so subtle forms of discrimination.SDD calls on government and all stakeholders to expand the frontiers of the debate and ensure that the micro level issues are highlighted.

SDD also calls on CSOs and development partners to invest time and skills in understanding the different needs of different women with a view to implementing transformative actions that respond to the unique needs of both rural and urban women, urban and rural girls, and literate and non-literate women.

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