Daniel Ohene Agyekum, a above agent to the United States of America beneath the administering of the above John Evans Atta Mills, has said the Agyapadie certificate is an accessible archetype of accompaniment abduction of resources

According to him, the certificate concentrates abundance in the easily of a tiny cardinal of people

Above President John Dramani Mahama had additionally declared that he believes that the document's recommendations accept been put into practice, admitting President Nana Akufo-Addo's denials that it is legitimate

During a account appointment captivated in Kumasi, Ohene Agyekum declared that the certificate was 18-carat and depicted a cunning arrangement by assertive bodies to appropriate ascendancy of Ghana's resources

"This certificate is accurate and it represents a actual awful arrangement by a baby accumulation of individuals from Kyebi. My compassionate back bodies allocution about the Akyem mafia is that it is amiss because I will altercate that it is Kyebi mafia," Ohene Agyekum is quoted to accept said in a address by citinewsroom.com

Ohene Agyekum went on to say that the Agyapadie certificate sets a chancy antecedent for the approaching of Ghana

He claimed it is a adapt for the allotment and monopolization of Ghana's abundance by a advantaged few rather than aloof an authoritative directive

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