AdvertisementOn 25 July 2024, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in accord with the Government of Ghana and the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), captivated a Civic Chat on the opportunities for accord with the Ghanaian banishment to beforehand altitude activity in Ghana. As allotment of the Diaspora for Altitude Activity (D4C) project, which is adjourned by the IOM Development Fund, accommodating stakeholders started the development of a plan of activity that will accredit the Ghanaian banishment in the UK to bigger accord to altitude activity in their country of origin, identifying key altitude challenges that diasporas and governments share, and possible initiatives to beforehand accord amid diasporas and governments on articular altitude challenges

"The role of the banishment cannot be overstated. Our adolescent citizens domiciled away are accustomed as an basic allotment of the activity and should be onboarded in the activity to barrier the tides of altitude change and clean airy and acceptable ecosystems that accommodate across-the-board opportunities to our adolescent ones," said Hon. John Kobina Sanie, Deputy Minister of Energy

The Ghanaian banishment is already complex in sectors such as energy, agriculture, forestry, and decay management. The banishment can activity admired banking and abstruse expertise, ability exchange, technology transfer, and cardinal partnerships to beforehand altitude activity priorities in Ghana

"Climate change is impacting the lives and livelihoods of bodies about the world, including in Ghana. It is one of the greatest challenges of our time, acute burning aggregate action. Diaspora associates are agents of addition in our countries of abode and origin, and we accept the knowledge, skills, and all-around access that are acute to advance altitude activity in our countries of origin," said Amtu Akumfi-Ameyaw, UK-based Ghanaian Banishment Altitude Champion

The chat brought calm government officials, banishment representatives, and added civic and bounded actors affianced in altitude action. It provided a belvedere to allotment insights, altercate challenges, and analyze actionable accomplish to enhance banishment contributions to altitude activity in Ghana. The accident was an befalling for diasporas to allotment account of altitude initiatives that they appetite to apparatus in their home country

Prior to the Civic Dialogue, a case abstraction was agitated out by IOM that articular the opportunities and challenges for UK-based Ghanaian banishment to accord to altitude activity in Ghana

"We're assured that this activity and today's civic chat will acerb accord to award accurate accomplishments to strengthen the role of the Ghanian banishment in altitude activity in Ghana and to accept chip approaches that will abode environmental, economic, social, and babyminding accomplishments to accomplish acceptable and across-the-board development outcomes in the face of altitude change impacts," said Giulia Piccioni, Activity Development & Donor Liaison Officer at IOM Ghana, on account of Chief of Mission, Fatou Diallo Ndiaye

The UK is home to a ample Ghanaian banishment community. Aware of this community's astronomic beginning potential, IOM, Government and Banishment accept been alive to connect Ghanaian banishment associates based in the UK with key stakeholders in their home country, and to abutment added able and accommodating altitude activity and longer-lasting solutions for climate-vulnerable populations. The consultations are appropriate aback the Government of Ghana launched its Banishment Assurance Policy in December 2023, a above anniversary in the country's efforts to acquire the allowances of banishment assurance for civic development

Ama K. Abebrese, IOM Ghana's Goodwill Ambassador and Ghanaian-British extra and blur producer, abounding the accident to animate the stakeholders to accumulate up the acute work. "Having fabricated important contributions in my breadth - the artistic industries - I apperceive of the ability of banishment contributions. Diasporas are agog to accord aback to their communities of origine. With the appropriate frameworks, we can be absolute agents of change, including in the activity adjoin altitude change." Going forward, Ghanaian diasporas complex in the D4C activity are attractive to apparatus a decay administration action in Ghana. They achievement that the bigger relations consistent from the D4C activity consultations will account the acknowledged advance of this and added projects