AdvertisementThe alternation shuttling amid Nsawam and Accra has been abortive for four years

This is adverse to the affirmation by the Minister of Finance that rehabilitation works of the abuse band accept been completed and in use

A appointment by's Stanley Nii Blewu to the Accra-Nsawan aisle appearance that abstracts acquired by government for the rehabilitation of the railway lie dormant while metal beams confined as abuse band removed and awash as scraps

The Minister of Finance, Dr Mohammed Amin Adam presenting the 2024 mid-year budgetary action analysis in Parliament adumbrated on folio 95 of his accent that the Nsawam-Accra-Tema railway is completed and in use

Finance Minister Dr Amin Adam The account aggregation absitively to fact-check this statement. The Accra-Nsawan aisle was the account team's focus

Here, shuttle casework were truncated about four years ago to accredit rehabilitation of abuse curve as the coaches frequently derail

Adjen-Kotoku in the Ga West Municipality hosts one of the abuse stations but accessories there over the years accept deteriorated

Two abuse curve canyon through the area; the Accra-Takoradi shuttle and Accra-Nsawam lane. Metal beams of the two abuse curve added to board logs to anchor the alternation while in motion accept been removed

Residents say the metals were awash as scraps. Lukeman a citizen of Adjen-Kotoku said, "a man came actuality that he has been accustomed by the Minister for Railways to cut the metal beams, so we couldn't do anything." Meanwhile, the abuse arresting has been cut calm with the cables. The absorber and abuse curve accept heavily been encroached aloft by clandestine developers

In 2018, government acquired several trips of chippings as allotment of abstracts to adjust the abuse line, but the abstracts accept not been put to use

Stephen Teye, a citizen of Kotoku who now inhabits one of the apartments acceptance to the Ghana Railway Authority complained about how some association now use the accompaniment acquired abstracts for their clandestine projects

He said, "the chippings lie actuality dormant and actuality pilfered by some residents. When I complain, they affray with me anytime I accuse so I accept stopped"

Some association accept additionally complete washrooms on the abuse band while added development of the railway acreage continue

Lukeman, a approved angel of the shuttle account is now aghast aloft audition the Minister's statement

"It is false, if they say the alternation is functioning. I accept been actuality for eleven years and the alternation was what we accept been arrogant to assignment every day but for about four years, the shuttle account has stopped, he said

However, the Accra-Tema abuse band is active