In a collective columnist statement, the unions accent that on June 10, 2024, they had abreast the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission of Ghana about their grievances apropos the Vehicle Maintenance Allowance (VMA) and added accompanying allowances

They had warned of approaching automated activity if these issues were not bound by June 21, 2024

A audition by the National Labour Commission on June 19, 2024, led to engagements amid the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission and the unions, culminating in an acceding and an addendum

The Commission after requested the Ministry of Finance to absolution the all-important funds. However, admitting assorted engagements by the unions, the Ministry has yet to affair the appropriate authorisation letter

Universities on government subvention accept accustomed payments, including arrears, while those anon on the Controller and Accountant General's amount accept not

Additionally, the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) has directed universities to abstain payments at the new amount until the Ministry releases the authorisation letter, causing added delays alike for those already accepting the new rate

In their statement, the unions accused the government of application Machiavellian approach to abjure them their agreed-upon allowances

They accept accustomed the Ministry of Finance until the abutting of business on August 8, 2024, to affair the authorisation letter. Failure to do so will aftereffect in the unions basic automated activity the afterward day

The SSA-UoG, FUSSAG, and TEWU (TUC) affirmed their charge to angry for the rights of their associates and vowed not to blow until amends is served