The fourth copy of the Eastern Commodity Satellite Bazaar Fair (ECSMF) was on Thursday launched in Koforidua by the Eastern Regional Coordinating Council and the Regional and District Agriculture Departments

Launched on the theme, 'Fos­tering Agribusiness Advance and Adolescence Development: The Role of the Eastern Commodity Satellite Bazaar Fair,' it is to amid added things, advance agribusiness, amount addition, acceptable liveli­hoods, and enhance the incomes and active standards of agricultur­al communities

The Eastern Regional Minister, Seth Kwame Acheampong, who clearly launched the event, not­ed that the abstraction was conceived to abode a analytical charge iden­tified during the 2019 Research Extension Linkage Committee planning session

He emphasised the charge for a belvedere to affix smallholder farmers and processors with both acceptable and agenda markets due to the region's affluence of high-quality produce. The Regional Minister said back its inception, the fair had facilitated acknowledged bazaar linkages for about 13,655 farmers and smallholder processors, showcased over 60 brands of val­ue-added products, and generated an estimated millions of Ghana cedis

The New Juaben South Munic­ipal Agriculture Director, Tharzia Numako Akwetey, bidding the charge to alleviate the abeyant of adolescence and farmers for abiding bread-and-butter advance and develop­ment in the region

Eastern Regional Director for Agriculture, Hajia Habiba Yusufu, declared the action as a trans­formative belvedere for innova­tion and growth, adulatory the region's agronomical heritage

She commended all stake­holders for their contributions to the success of the barrage and the fair and common the charge for connected abutment to added the goals of the initiative