The Ghana-Brazil Cham­ber of Commerce was aftermost Wednesday launched in Accra to advance economic, cultural and amusing development amid the two countries

The Chamber additionally serves as a agitator for trade, investment, and cultural barter amid Ghana and Brazil, allotment business­es to collaborate, innovate, and prosper

In appearance were chiefs, busi­ness owners, Brazilian association in Ghana, agents of the Brazil Embassy in Ghana, the Deputy Abbot of Trade, Mr Michael Baafi Okyere, and Mr Samuel Nartey George, the Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram Constituency

Launching it, the Abbot of Agriculture, Mr Bryan Acheam­pong, in a accent apprehend for him by Yaw Frimpong Addo, the Dep­uty Abbot of Agriculture, said Brazil and Ghana allotment a history of cultural barter and alternate respect. He apprenticed the two countries to actualize opportunities that would advance to bread-and-butter growth, job conception and acceptable develop­ment

Mr Acheampong said the Bra­zil-Ghana Chamber of Commerce would accessible doors for businesses in Ghana and Brazil to analyze new markets, allotment ability and body abiding relationships

The abbot commended the two countries for architecture on an absolute accord anchored on trust, alternate account and aggregate prosperity

Charge d'affaires of the Embas­sy of Brazil in Ghana, Ms Luiza Horta Barbosa, said there was the charge to strengthen the relation­ship amid Ghana and Brazil to activation bread-and-butter advance for the account of their citizens

She apprenticed the two countries to analyze assorted areas, including technology, tourism and added areas yet to be tapped

Ms Barbosa commended Edinam Adjei-Sika, the Found­ing President of Brazil-Ghana Chamber of Commerce, for her forthright, and said Brazil was appreciative of her accomplishments

Mrs Adjei-Sika, for her part, said she envisions a approaching area Brazil and Ghana assignment hand-in-hand to body acceptable econom­ic advance and aggregate prosperity

She recalled how her activity was greatly shaped by the band amid the two countries, back she accustomed a scholarship to abstraction in a top Brazilian university

"As an eighteen-year-old Gha­naian with aspirations above our shores, I was advantageous to accept a government scholarship to abstraction in Brazil. At a time back Europe and the United States were the adopted destinations for many, my adventure to Rio de Janeiro apparent a cardinal axis point." She said, "Brazil, with its active culture, balmy people, and activating economy, became my additional home. The similarities, from the aggregate affection for foot­ball to assertive comestible delights, were striking. These adventures artificial constant access that are the basement of this Chamber."  BY MALIK SULLEMANA