Bishop Edward Frimpong, the founder and head of Peace Palace Church Bishop, delivered a strong message to his fellow clergy in a recent interview with Fiifi Praat on Kingdom FM monitored by Identified widely as Bishop Thunder, the man of God emphasized the importance of reinvesting funds received through church offerings and tithes back into their ministries, rather than using them for personal gain.

Bishop Thunder expressed concern about the misuse of church funds by some pastors, highlighting instances where these resources are used for immoral activities, including engaging with prostitutes.

However, he approached the issue with a measured tone, making it clear that he is not passing judgment on the choices of others, stating, "I do not judge these pastors for their actions; they must navigate their own lives." The core of his message, however, centered on the rewards of dedicating church resources to ministry growth.

According to Bishop Thunder, pastors who invest significantly in their ministries are blessed with greater anointing from God.