AdvertisementThe Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) per its 2022 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) has appear that 47.4% of accouchement age-old 0 to 5 months in Ghana were not actuality alone breastfed

The address additionally acclaimed that the allotment of accouchement not actuality alone breastfed has stagnated over the accomplished two decades with a bordering admission amid 2003 and 2022

The GSS in a absolution on August 3 to mark the World Breastfeeding Day, appear that in Ghana the admission and continuance of absolute breastfeeding avalanche abbreviate of the advocacy by the World Health Organisation

The WHO's advocacy is that accouchement should admit breastfeeding aural the aboriginal hour of bearing and be alone breastfed for the aboriginal 6 months of life

However, in its report, GSS said two in every bristles (41.8%) accouchement built-in in the two years above-mentioned the 2022 GDHS did not alpha breastfeeding aural the aboriginal hour of life

The account added that in three regions, added than bisected of the accouchement did not alpha breastfeeding aural the aboriginal hour of life: Greater Accra (56.2%), Ahafo (56.1%), and Eastern (51.7%)

The arena with the everyman allotment that did not admit breastfeeding aural the aboriginal hour was Bono East (29.4%) followed by Volta (31.6%)

"Nationally, the average continuance for absolute breastfeeding was 2.9 months. The Western North Arena had the beeline average continuance for absolute breastfeeding of one ages followed by the Western (1.2 months) and the Greater Accra (1.4 months) regions

"Half of the 16 regions had a average continuance for absolute breastfeeding of beneath than three months. The Savannah Arena had the longest average continuance for absolute breastfeeding (4.7 months) followed by the Volta Arena (4.4 months)," GSS stated

World Breastfeeding Anniversary is actual annually during the aboriginal anniversary in August to highlight the accent of breastfeeding and to advance admission to breastfeeding abutment and opportunities. The affair for 2024 is "Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Abutment for All"