The Korle-Bu Chapter of the Federation of Allied Health Professionals has briefly abeyant its bang at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

The strike, accomplished on Friday, 2 August 2024, complex the abandonment of outpatient casework due to the hospital's abnegation to accredit an absolute anatomy to baby-sit its operations

The Federation, which includes 18 able associations such as the Ghana Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists, the Ghana Physiotherapy Association, and the Ghana Society of Radiographers, argued that their diplomacy were clumsily managed beneath the hospital's Medical Directorate

They accepted the enactment of a committed advisers to baby-sit their operations

The accommodation to append the bang follows advancing assurance with the Minister of Health, Dr. , and added accordant stakeholders

In a account anachronous Monday, 5 August 2024, the Ghana Federation of Allied Health Professions explained that the Minister of Health assured them of absolute the amount aural seven days, bidding their accommodation to arrest the strike

"This accommodation has become all-important due to the afterward reasons: The Minister of Health has taken agenda of our apropos and has promised to boldness the amount aural seven (7) days, appropriately the charge for us to appearance acceptable acceptance and acquiesce the Hon. Minister to act," the account said

The accumulation additionally acclaimed that the National Labour Commission (NLC) has arrive them to a affair on August 6, 2024, to acquisition accepted arena to boldness the impasse

"The National Labour Commission has intervened and prevailed on us to abandon the activity and arrive us to a affair on 6th August 2024 to acquisition accepted area to boldness the impasse," they indicated

The professionals additionally accustomed that the Board of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital has responded to their demands

"The Board of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) has accounting to Leadership advertence that the Board has accustomed the Advisers of Allied Health Professions at the KBTH." They apprenticed their associates to abide adamant in their appeal for fair and candid representation

"We entreat all Allied Health Professionals to be adamant in our appeal for fair and candid representation in the Core Management of all implementing agencies including the Ghana Health Service and all Teaching Hospitals beyond the country," the accumulation added