A adaptable App and a alarm centre to accommodate absolute time advice on alley aliment to the Highway authorities  was bygone launched in Accra, by the Abbot of Anchorage and Highways, Francis Asenso-Boakye

The App, Dubbed; 'Maintain My Road, See it, Address it, Wemaintain it,' would acquiesce the citizenry the befalling to booty pictures and report  on  alley defects, accidents, access pipes forth roads, adulterated cartage signals in their  communities for alert activity by the ministry

It was developed by a aggregation of engineers led by the Director of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Ministry, Dr Francis Ahlidza

MrAsenso-Boakye, said the Adaptable App was important as it would not alone advice abode alley defects, but additionally advance the abridgement of the country. He explained that the ministry, through the alarm centre and the adaptable app would be able to advance a "comprehensive acquaintance and assurance programme" for alive aborigine accord in alley aliment reporting

The abbot adumbrated that an added aliment programme alien at the alpha of the yearbased on three key pillars of the prioritisation of accepted alley aliment activities, accouterment of acceptable allotment for alley aliment and accessible ownership, and advance in alley aliment had all accustomed absolute feedbacks meaning, "We are on course." MrAsenso-Boakyenotedthe ministry's charge and boldness to strengthen"infrastructural arete and association engagement" to accomplish governments ambition for the alley sector

He said the accomplishing of both the app and alarm centre would be on  pilot base for  five months, and would focus on block anchorage such as the Accra-Kumasi, Accra-Takoradi, Accra-Cape Coast, Accra-Tema Motorway, and bristles capital burghal Centre's, namely, Accra, Tema, Kumasi, Tamale, and Takoradi, and would be continued to others genitalia of the country back assets are available

MrAsenso-Boakyefurther assured of acclamation issues that would be aloft apropos alley defects of all articular above block anchorage during the implementation

Demonstrating the use of the app, DrAhlidza said the alarm centre, would be opened between  8: 00 a.m and 5:00 pm from Mondays to Fridays, and would be manned by accomplished staff  who allege in English,French and added bounded languages such as Twi, Ga and Ewe.  He acclaimed the app would acquiesce the accessible to log on to it with the reporter's buzz cardinal and booty a account of any alley birthmark and address it to the Ministry, abacus that the address accustomed through the app would be forwarded to assorted departments of the ministry

The application, he indicated, would accommodate a clue almanac of all letters fabricated and explained that adulterated images beatific would not be recognised

The Board Chair of the Ghana Highways Authority,I.K. Mensah, apprenticed all stakeholders, abnormally the Ghana Police Service, to booty advantage of the addition and address offenders of alley defects to the ministry