Col Festus Aboagye (Rtd) AdvertisementA Aegis Expert Col Festus Aboagye (RTD) has said the the declared Agyapadie calendar charcoal a advancing and abstruse issue. While the certificate exists, he said, its authors, authenticity, and accurate intentions still charge to be determined, He cited a above NPP aegis and intelligence accessible and a arch affiliate of the anew formed Movement for Change Hopeson Adorye of accepting claimed to apperceive about the absolute columnist of the document

Whether actuality or fiction, Col Aboagye (Rtd) said the surrounding agitation reflects broader apropos about governance, accountability, and indigenous relations in Ghana and calls for broader borough chat to ensure borough accord and stability

"The Agyapadeɛ calendar should be debunked. Based on anterior reasoning, it is in the borough absorption to arrange abstracted accomplishments to abolish or about-face apparent abominable altar of accompaniment capture, media control, infiltration, bread-and-butter domination, and boodle as allotment of the declared abhorrent Agyapadeɛ project," he said in an commodity of the Agyapadie issue

Agyapadeɛ Op-Ed He added "In refocusing the broader discourse, Ghana's autonomous adventure should absorb the analytical role of an abreast and affianced citizenry to aegis capitalism and ensure that the government works for the account of all and not aloof a few. Such an access should emphasise the accent of accuracy and accountability in government, highlighting the charge for across-the-board babyminding that allowances all citizens, behindhand of ethnicity or political affiliation

"It should animate effective chat beyond political and indigenous curve to the broader borough issues to abate the arguable Agyapadeɛ agenda. The access should alarm for added borough apprenticeship and assurance to advance abreast political participation, emphasising the amount of absolute institutions, the accent of ethical leadership, and the charge for acuity in attention autonomous norms and processes and architecture a able capitalism rather than the Machiavellian tendencies in advancement political ability through deceit, affectation and base practices." The certificate which capacity a action aimed at accession and advancement Akyem bodies at advantageous acme in all spheres of Ghana's abridgement has gone viral in contempo months on both acceptable and amusing media spaces

"This atrocious plan was revised in 2019. In the year 2020 back the Agyapa business became a political issue, the book aback metamorphosed into 'Agyapadie'" Okyenhene acclaimed in a Accompaniment Council affair at Kyebi"

He added aloft issues adjoin misinformation and disinformation

He said "Our nation stands as a alarm of democracy, with eight acknowledged accepted elections and peaceful transitions of power. However, as we access the 2024 Accepted Elections, we charge accost the growing blackmail of misinformation and disinformation, which can attenuate our autonomous assets and alter accessible perception." "This absolute plan outlines cardinal accomplish to abode the advance of apocryphal information, avert our autonomous processes, and advance an abreast and affianced citizenry. By acceptable our acknowledged and authoritative frameworks, accommodating with technology companies, and ablution accessible acquaintance campaigns, we are demography a proactive attitude to assure the candor of our elections and ensure that misinformation does not attenuate our hard-won autonomous gains." As President of the Republic, he assured that the accessible elections will be conducted peacefully, clearly and credibly

"Together, let us assure our capitalism from falsehoods, and advocate the ethics that accomplish Ghana a archetypal for the world."