Government is because reviewing the tax arrangement to ensure that business communities adore accomplishing business in Ghana while authoritative it the destination of best for breeze of Adopted Absolute Advance (FDI), the Deputy Abbot of Finance, Dr Alex Ampaabeng, has said

“While we are committed to creating a business-friendly environment, it’s acute that we additionally ensure a fair and able tax system. We charge to augment our tax abject and advance acquiescence to accomplish the bare acquirement for our development.” The abbot appear this during the barrage of the 21st Edition of Ghana Club 100 (GC100) Awards and breakfast affair organised by Ghana Advance Promotion Centre (GIPC) in Accra, yesterday

Under the theme, ‘Partnering for prosperity: Building a advancing Ghanaian economy,’ the GC100 Awards aimed at announcement acceptable accumulated babyminding amid Ghanaian businesses, developing a cellophane and aqueous advice arrangement central the Ghanaian accumulated breadth and dispatch absolute bread-and-butter outcomes amid accumulated entities. The abbot said government remained abiding in its charge to creating an enabling ambiance that attracts both Ghanaian and adopted investors into the country

According to him, Ghana’s medium-term macroeconomic angle remained actual able and positive, advertence that over the aftermost two years, government had implemented absolute measures to accomplish budgetary consolidation, bread-and-butter stability, and growth

“These efforts, are acquiescent absolute results, as it was accent in the mid-year account aftermost week,” he added

The abbot said the development of a new advance code, an investor-driven apparatus system, and a absolute chump accord administration software additionally reflect government’s charge to connected advance and agenda transformation

He fatigued that added public-private accord would drive the bread-and-butter progress, as  government believed that leveraging backbone of both the accessible and clandestine sectors would  advance bread-and-butter accretion and advance acceptable development

“I animate all stakeholders to abide in their collaborative efforts to body a advancing Ghanaian economy. Engaging in such address enables us to strategise effectively, accouter addition and assignment calm appear a brighter bread-and-butter approaching for all Ghanaians,” he added

The Chief Executive Officer of the GIPC, Mr Yofi Grant, said in band with their abiding charge to authoritative Ghana an adorable destination for investment, the GIPC and government had implemented a alternation of reforms aimed at simplifying the business allotment process, acceptable accuracy and abbreviation authoritative limits

He adumbrated that GIPC believed that acceptable bread-and-butter advance could be accomplished through stronger, allusive partnerships, affirmation that while all-around challenges apparent by bread-and-butter shocks, over the accomplished years, acquired connected ambiguity in the advance landscape, Ghana had approved about animation with an boilerplate FDI of about 1.5 billion from 2020 to 2023

He bidding GIPC’s charge to acknowledging businesses to allure investments and accomplice with adopted absolute investment, while announcement Ghana as a arch destination for investments and business

“Our efforts in announcement agenda basement and addition accept led to a 12 per cent advance in the tech sector, added diversifying our abridgement base. It is an breadth that I anticipate we would like to see added of in Ghana Club 100,” he added