Nii Anyetei Akogyeram is a arresting Ghanaian with bookish palsy, who has not accustomed his bearings to ascertain him, rather he has absitively to address his activity to advice others with agnate conditions.

Nii is a amusing artisan who supports individuals with disabilities through his foundation, Popo Bookish Attached Initiative. His benevolence extends above acknowledging bodies with disabilities, he occasionally takes to the artery to abutment the accessible with aliment and water.

Cerebral attached is a acoustic ataxia that affects movement, balance, and coordination.

It is generally apparent as a limitation that prevents individuals from accomplishing their abounding potential.

However, admitting the limitations that appear with the condition, abounding individuals with the action abide to accomplish arresting success in assorted fields of life, from science, arts, sports and advocacy.

In a contempo column on Facebook, Nii Anyetei aggregate how he enjoys allowance bodies behindhand of his situation.

"It was my Birthday on Friday, so I absitively to do some Food, Drink and Baptize Drive Donations to bodies on the streets accurately accouchement today with a actual acceptable friend," he posted.

Nii continues to use his appulse lives absolutely through his foundation, alarming hope, allowance others and arduous stereotypes.

With determination, animation and the appropriate abutment systems, bodies active with the action abide to claiming stereotypes.

A contempo abstraction on accouchement with bookish attached in Ghana indicates that in the Ghanaian context, official statistics on the cardinal of accouchement with the action are lacking.

However, bookish attached Africa estimated that 1 adolescent per 300 births has bookish attached in Ghana and the action causes abiding academician damage, attached the child's adeptness to accept abounding postural control, advancement and complete activities of circadian living.

The motor disorders of CP are frequently accompanied by broken cognition, communication, sensation, perception, behavioural abnormalities, access disorders, musculoskeletal problems or a aggregate of these features.

The action abnormally affects children's circadian active adventures and banned their self-care functions, such as feeding, dressing, bathing and mobility.


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