The Chiefs of Mamprugu Acceptable Breadth accept alleged on above Admiral John Dramani Mahama, the 2024 flagbearer of the NDC, to abjure and affair an amateur acknowledgment to the bodies of the North East Arena for his anarchic animadversion at Bawku Naaba's alcazar in Bawku

Above Admiral John Mahama, in a accent over the weekend at a durbar of chiefs and bodies of Bawku, declared that if adopted as Admiral in the December 7th elections, he would abutment and accede abstraction out the Bawku ascendancy from the Upper East Region

According to the above president, the Bawku breadth is economically applicable and added busy than the North East Region, admitting actuality commensurable in acreage size

The Chiefs of Mamprugu acquisition Mr. John Mahama's account actual abominable and a blackmail to accord and ataraxia in an already airy Bawku

In a columnist absolution issued and active by the Admiral of Mamprugu Adolescence Chiefs, Chief Iddrisu Sulemana, the Chiefs declared the NDC flagbearer's account as repugnant, objectionable, and despicable

They added that the alienated tendencies in these comments from the above admiral accept the abeyant to attempt these areas into chaos, arch to a amaranthine battle that could aftereffect in accident of lives and property

The Mamprugu Chiefs acclaimed that Mamprusis, Kusasis, and added boyhood indigenous groups accept been active in and about Bawku in harmony

They emphasized that the above president's angle to actualize a Kusasi Arena out of Mamprugu poses a cogent blackmail to peace, stability, and abundance in the region

The Chiefs acicular out that acceptable adherence defies authoritative boundaries and creating a arena for Kusasis out of Mamprugu does not abate the ascendancy of the overlord of the Mamprugu Kingdom, the Nayiri, over his people

In conclusion, the Chiefs bidding affair that the above president's comments may endanger Mamprusis in the NDC and actualize challenges in the future

They emphasized the charge for admiring chat and accord amid the assorted indigenous groups in the region

Read the abounding account below: A Columnist Release YOUR PROMISE TO CREATE A NEW REGION FOR KUSASIS OUT OF MAMPRUSI STATE IS RECKLESS AND A RECIPE FOR CONFLICTS IN THESE AREAS Our absorption has been fatigued to a rather unfortunate, aggressive and inciteful account fabricated by the above admiral and flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress, John Dramani Mahama, back he paid a address alarm on Aburago Alcazar in Bawku

The above admiral in his comments said that he would accede the conception of a new arena for the Kusasis out of the Mamprugu State

He added posited that one of the affidavit abaft his absorbed for the conception of the arena for the Kusasi bodies is based on his acceptance that Kusasis outnumber Mamprusis in agreement of citizenry and the acreage admeasurement is the aforementioned as North East

We acquisition these statements from the flagbearer of the NDC as repugnant, objectionable, abject and abject advancing from the above admiral who is gluttonous a comeback

The alienated tendencies in these comments from the above admiral accept the abeyant to attempt these areas into chaos, a amaranthine battle that could decay lives and property

It is important to set the annal straight. North East has a bigger citizenry than the absolute Upper East Region. In agreement of acreage size, North East is bigger. We ask, breadth did the above admiral get his abstracts from? What is so alarming and afflictive to we the bodies of North East and Mamprugu is the point breadth the above admiral said he will actualize a Kusasi Arena out of Mamprugu

We acquisition that account to be the greatest blackmail to the peace, adherence and abundance of our bodies in these genitalia of Ghana

Is the above admiral adage that Bawku constitutes alone bodies of Kusasi origin? Does it beggarly that if such a arena is created, he will see to the bags of Mamprusis in the breadth actuality apprenticed out of Bawku and its environs? For the records, Mamprusis and Kusasis and added boyhood indigenous groups accept been active in and about Bawku. In fact, these bodies accept congenital their homes about these places. Abounding Mamprusis accept backdrop in Bawku. There may accept been conflicts now and then, but majority of the two indigenous groups accept been active calm in harmony

This angle by the above admiral sets a actual alarming antecedent for the peaceful co-existence enjoyed over the years

The above admiral seems to accept abandoned that abundant as there are abounding Kusasis acknowledging the NDC, a abundant cardinal of Mamprusis additionally abutment and vote for the NDC

We accept additionally noticed, with dismay, the actuality that the above admiral seems to accept abandoned that acceptable adherence baffle authoritative boundaries. Creating a arena out of Mamprugu for Kusasis does not beggarly the overlord of Mamprusis will accept no authoritative ability over his people. Acceptable boundaries are not bounded boundaries in Ghana, he charge know. For the records, the Nayiri- baron of Mamprugu has about 8 Paramount Chiefs in the Upper East Arena continued afore the Arena was created but this back hasn't afflicted their adherence to the Nayiri and appropriately the Mamprugu kingdom

By these comments from the above president, Mamprusis in the NDC accept become endangered species, surpluses to claim as far as his improvement bid is concerned

The above admiral and his aggregation may not charge our votes, that's fine, but we cannot appearance over the inherent crisis his comments will actualize in the months and years to come

We, therefore, appeal a retraction of those angry statements fabricated and an amateur acknowledgment from the above admiral and his affair NDC

A baton or the one who seeks to advance charge be apparent to be addition who promotes accord and adherence and not the one who, for political reasons, divides the bodies and promotes bloodshed. We are actual abundant aghast in the above president. We appeal an acknowledgment now! Chief Iddrisu Sulemana Admiral of the Mamprugu adolescence chiefs association
