The contest of Ghana's political history amid 1947 and 1957 may accept been broadcast in a lot of literature, but in his book, blue-blooded '1947-1957 The Adventure of Ghana's Independence," Kabral Blay-Amihere, shares 'an untold and beginning ambit to the ability story,' as a friend, Ken Thompson, declared it.

In his own words, the above agent and above President of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), explained the "complicated, arresting and anfractuous aisle of the aftermost decade in Ghana's independence," while analytical the "roots of the civic movement and the role played by several individuals, including Arden-Clarke himself and the assorted political organisations that led to the ability of the Gold Coast from British aphorism on March 6, 1957."

One of the abounding belief he aggregate in the book is the affairs surrounding how Governor Arden-Clarke declared as a 'local Hitler' as able-bodied as why he feared the man.

On folio 75, Chapter 5 (1950 - Gbedemah Takes Over), Kabral Blay-Amihere wrote on how Arden-Clarke, actuality acquainted of the affliction that Nkrumah took his predecessor, Governor Geral Creasy through, was additionally bent not to abatement into the aforementioned difficulties.

As reports, he wrote; "The year began with all eyes focused on Nkrumah and his blackmail to commence on yet addition aeon of strikes, demonstrations, noncooperation with the colonial authorities, what he alleged Positive Action. At the labour front, the TUC had additionally threatened a civic bang in adherence with some workers of the Meteorological Workers Association of the Gold Coast who had been sacked afterwards a bang action.

"Aware that agnate accomplishments beneath the watch of his predecessor, Sir Gerald Creasy had plunged the Gold Coast into crisis, Arden-Clarke absitively to booty a tougher band to ensure that his governorship did not ache a agnate fate at the start. Although Arden-Clarke was after to adore a affable alive accord with Nkrumah, he like abounding British admiral in the Gold Coast, harboured fears about Nkrumah whom he declared as 'our bounded Hitler' in a letter to his family. He perceived the Positive Activity of Nkrumah as an archetype of the 'tactics of the communists who approved to actualize anarchy in adjustment to appropriate power'.

"Nkrumah, on the added hand, was bent to apparatus his threat, absolutely acquainted that his political afterlife was angry to this abolitionist aspect and its success."

Kabral Blay-Amihere additionally wrote about the moves that Arden-Clarke fabricated in attempts to get to aback bottomward on his mobilisation of the bodies of the Gold Coast for his Positive Action.

The planned action, however, bootless in its aboriginal attack as, "… the anarchy that Nkrumah promised was adverse approaching collapse, Nkrumah was to ascertain back he alternate to Accra a few canicule later.

"There had been a blood-warm acknowledgment to Positive Activity and every assurance that Positive Activity was cutting to a halt."

But Nkrumah did not accord up and canicule later, on January 11, 1950, he relaunched the attack at the Arena in Accra, which led to a added acknowledged Positive Activity afterwards.