In a Facebook post on September 21, 2024, he shared his excitement and optimism with his supporters. "I am excited that we picked No.

8 on the ballot for the upcoming presidential elections.

Let's make this a number of hope and change on 7th December," Mahama wrote.

The number 8 has become a focal point in the political discourse, especially in light of the New Patriotic Party's (NPP) "Breaking the 8" slogan, which aims to extend their governance beyond the traditional eight-year cycle in Ghana's fourth.

As the election date of December 7th approaches, the significance of the ballot numbers continues to play a crucial role in the strategies of both major political parties.

Mahama's positive spin on the number 8 aims to inspire his base and attract undecided voters looking for a fresh start.

We'll end NPP's 8 years of corruption - Fiifi Kwetey justifies 8th position on ballot paper In an earlier reaction on the position, the General Secretary of the NDC, Fifi Kwetey, reacted to the position of NDC on the presidential ballot.

He explained the significance of the party's number eight position on the presidential ballot for the upcoming election on December 7 to the party.

Fiifi Kwetey Pulse Ghana According to him, the eighth position on the ballot symbolises the end of the New Patriotic Party's (NPP) corruption engulfed governance. "We came here asking for God's perfect will to be done.

And we accept the number 8.

After 8 critical years of decay.

After eight years of total lack of order…the darkness that have engulfed the country, this is the moment to stop the decay," he explained.

The Electoral Commission on September 20, 2024, organised a balloting for the positions on the ballot paper for the presidential election.

At the end of the exercise, the Great Consolidated People's Party (GCPP) was assigned number 2, and the Ghana National Party (GNP) took number 3 on the ballot paper.

The Ghana Union Movement will be number 4, while the Liberal Party of Ghana secured number 5.

The National Democratic Party (NDP) took number 6, and the Convention People's Party (CPP) was assigned number 7.

The All People's Congress (APC) will be number 9.

For the Independent Presidential candidates, Alan Kyeremanten secured the 13th position, Nana Kwame Bediako took number 12, Kofi Koranteng will be number 10 on the ballot paper, and George Twum Barimah picked number 11.