"The youth, abnormally the girls, are brash to abstain blue dressing, as the chiefs and elders will not abide half-naked accoutrements that goes adjoin the affluent ability and traditions we will be showcasing during the festival," declared Nana Osei Bonsu III, Chairman of the Akwambo Planning Committee

Nana Osei Bonsu, who additionally serves as the Tufuhene of Nyakrom, issued this admonishing during a accent to the chiefs and association afterwards a seven-hour clean-up operation to adapt the boondocks for the week-long celebration. The clean-up accomplishment included accord from queen mothers, bounded chiefs, and associates of the two Asafo companies, with abutment from Mr Christian Ocran, the Agona West Municipal Director of Zoomlion, and his team

Akwambo Festival Pulse Ghana Nana Osei Bonsu accent that the anniversary aims to advance tourism and cultural awareness, potentially advocacy bounded businesses. He added that the festival's acme on Saturday, 10th August, would affection a fundraising accident to abutment the architecture of macho and changeable wards at the Nyakrom Health Centre

The Planning Committee Chairman common the accent of contributions from Nyakrom citizens, both bounded and abroad, to abutment the healthcare project, emphasising the charge for affection healthcare services. He antiseptic that the anniversary is not alone for ball but serves as an befalling for absorption and improvement. He encouraged Christians and added religious groups to participate in the festivities, dehydration any misconceptions about idol worship

Akwambo Festival Pulse Ghana Nana Osei Bonsu additionally bidding the chiefs' charge to commutual advancing development projects in the town, including the architecture of roads, a about accomplished animate bridge, and an AstroTurf activity to enhance the town's appearance

Okofo Katakyi Nyakoh Eku X, Omanhene of the Agona Nyakrom Acceptable Area, apprenticed association to burden from auctioning decay into gutters and unauthorised areas to anticipate cholera outbreaks. He additionally echoed the alarm for association abutment in commutual the new hospital wards to advance healthcare casework in the area

Akwambo Festival Pulse Ghana The Akwambo Anniversary is an anniversary anniversary empiric by the bodies of the Agona Nyakrom Acceptable Breadth in the Central Region. The festival, which agency "path-clearing," is apparent by assorted activities, including common clean-ups, acceptable boot and dancing, and the affectation of the people's cultural heritage

It provides an befalling for the association to appear together, reflect on the accomplished year, and accomplish affairs for approaching development. The anniversary additionally includes religious and cultural ceremonies, aimed at honouring the ancestors and gluttonous blessings for the advancing year. Additionally, it serves as a belvedere for announcement tourism and advocacy bounded businesses, authoritative it a cogent accident in the region's calendar