Residents of Ehiamenkyene, a farming community in the Fanteakwa South District of the Eastern Region are appealing to stakeholders and the government to as a matter of urgency, provide them with good drinking water to safeguard their health.

According to them, they have never tasted or enjoyed potable water even though they are part of the country and vote during elections.

The residents who fetched water from a polluted stream made the passionate appeal during a visit to the community.

According to them, although their only source of water gets polluted with drains from the gutters whenever it rains, they have no option but to use the water.

Some of the women noted that due to the nature of the polluted water, they get infected with communicable diseases such as cholera and guinea worm infestation.

They lamented that during the dry season, the stream often dries up making life unbearable for them, especially women, during that period.

The Assembly Man of the area, George Bosoh noted that several appeals have been made to their District Assembly through him but they have not gotten results yet.

He, however, called on the government and other stakeholders to come to their aid and provide them with potable water.