President Akufo-Addo AdvertisementPresident Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has accepted his affirmation to Ghanains for peaceful chargeless and fair accepted elections this year

He declared that the candor of our balloter activity is paramount, and we will booty all all-important accomplish to defended it In his Founders' Day address, Mr Akufo-Addo said "As we admission the accessible elections in December, let me assure you of my government's close assurance of ensuring that they are free, fair, credible, and transparent. It is the will of the Ghanaian bodies that will be advisedly bidding and not the will of any applicant or political party." He added "The candor of our balloter activity is paramount, and we will booty all all-important accomplish to defended it. The law adjoin vigilantism will be carefully activated afterwards abhorrence or favor, ensuring that accord and adjustment are maintained throughout the balloter period." He added declared that Ghana's continuing as a alarm of capitalism in Africa will be abiding and will abide to set an archetype for added nations to follow

"Fellow Ghanaians, as we absolve Founders Day, let us bethink the acquaint of our history. Let us account the adventuresomeness and sacrifices of those who came afore us. Let us abide to admire those who fought for our abandon and for our democracy, and let us recommit ourselves to the ethics of freedom, justice, and democracy

"In the spirit of our founders, let us strive to body a Ghana that is free, prosperous, and united. A Ghana breadth every aborigine can adore advisedly the fruits of his or her labour and accord to the beforehand of the nation. Happy Founders' Day, and may God absolve us all in our homeland, Ghana, and accomplish her abundant and strong. I accede you for your attention." Below is his abounding address… Fellow Ghanaians, acceptable evening. Tomorrow, Sunday, August 4th, we will be adulatory Founders Day, a day that holds abundant acceptation for our nation. As we reflect on our adventure as a people, it is acute that we accede the contest of August 4th, which accept indelibly shaped our history and our identity. On that day, 127 years ago, in 18 97, during the heyday of British colonialism, the Aborigines Rights Protection Society, ARPS, was formed at Cape Coast. This awe-inspiring accident apparent the alpha of a acquainted and organized accomplishment The Aborigines The Aborigines Rights Protection Association laid the base for the political activation of our people, advocating for acreage rights, and blame aback adjoin the backbreaking behavior of the British colonial administration

Their adventuresomeness and eyes set the date for approaching movements that will strive for greater abandon and self-determination. The accumulation of the Aborigines Rights Protection Association was both a acknowledgment to the actual threats airish by colonialism and the proactive accomplishment to ensure that the rights and address of our bodies was safeguarded. The society's aware leaders, Jacob Say, Joseph Kayser Hayford, John Mensah Saba, Kwab Nesheti, JW Degraff Johnson, and JP Brown, amidst others, accepted that the acreage was not alone a adeptness but additionally the actual aspect of our appearance and culture. We organized petitions, captivated meetings, and mobilized communities to abide the approximate allotment of acreage by the acquisitive easily of British colonialism beneath the 1897 Crown Acreage Bill, which led to its withdrawal. Unlike in the case of our brothers and sisters in Eastern and Southern Africa, whose deprivations abide till today, we never absent ascendancy of our acreage because of the activity of the society

Their assignment was affidavit of the adeptness of accord and aggregate activity in the face of adversity. Fast advanced to August 4, 1947, absolutely 50 years later, addition seminal accident took place, the accumulation of the Affiliated Gold Coast Convention, UGCC, the assemblage at Sol Park. This alignment spearheaded by illustrious ancestor apparent a axis point in our adventure for independence. The UGCC brought calm a affiliation of leaders who aggregate a accepted eyes of a chargeless and affluent Ghana. Their efforts culminated in the closing bearing of our nation as an absolute state

The UGCC, the 1st nationalist alignment to bright acutely the appeal for abandon and adeptness was built-in out of a built-in admiration for self-governance and an end to colonial rule. The leaders of the UGCC, the convention, George Parr Grant, doctor JB Dankwa, RS Blay, Emmanuel Obeche Bilamte, William Uforiata, Edward Ekufuwado, Ebenezer Akwaje, Kwabna Kese, Kwame Nkroma, and others admit the accurate abandon could alone be accomplished through political activity and the mobilization of the masses. They formed endlessly to brainwash and affect the people, acclimation rallies and affairs to accession acquaintance about the charge for independence. Their bulletin resonated with Ghanaians from all walks of life, sparking a movement that would eventually beforehand to the liberation of our nation, encompassing the bearing of the Assemblage People's Party, CPP, which led us on the final lap of our adventure to freedom. Tomorrow, as we admire these actual milestones, we pay approval to alternating ancestors of Ghanaians who contributed to the accomplishment of our civic independence

It is best adapted that we accept called this date to account their sacrifices, their resilience, and their able adherence to the ethics of abandon and justice. I allege to you this evening, abnegation absolutely the angle that Ghana was founded by one man. Whilst Kwang Nkrumah's contributions to our adeptness are actual and unassailable, it is important to accede for our address that the attempt for our nation's abandon was a aggregate accomplishment spanning several generations. The accumulation of the Aborigines Rights Protection Society, the British West African Civic Congress accordingly sponsored by Joseph K. St

Hayford and Thomas Hutton Mills, the Affiliated Gokul's convention, the assignment of endless unsung heroes, and the adamant spirit of our bodies all played basic genitalia in bringing us to abandon and independence. Kwame Nkrumah, with his absorbing abstracted leadership, was assuredly a aloft amateur in the final lap of our adventure to independence. And that is why, admitting the several adverse things that happened beneath afterwards independence, beneath his watch, assembly in 2019 absitively to access his date of bearing as Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day, the alone Ghanaian so far to be so accustomed in our history. His adeptness to animate the masses bright the bright eyes for a chargeless Ghana aggressive many. However, it is capital to admit that Kwan Nkrumah stood on the amateur of accomplished leaders

The accomplishments laid by the Aborigines Rights Protection Society, the British West African Civic Congress, the Affiliated GOCUS Convention, and abounding added organizations and individuals provided the foundation aloft which Kwame Nkrumah congenital the Assemblage People's Party, CPP. And indeed, that is why he was accurate to accessory the name of his new affair with that of the convention. The contributions of the leaders afore him were alive as is accustomed in the continuum of history in abstraction the political mural and facilitated Kwang Nkrumah's acceleration to prominence. Alike admitting comparisons may be invidious, the aboriginal admiral of the Affiliated States of America is The approval of the founding fathers is The approval of the founding fathers is aloof to the accumulation of 56 bodies who accumulated at the Philadelphia Assemblage of the Continental Congress to address and advertise the Constitution of the Affiliated States of America. August 4th is a day that should admonish us of the ethics that accept guided us through the years, Account for the aphorism of law, acknowledgment of animal rights, including alone freedom, and the following of a chargeless autonomous society

These ethics are a absorption of the eyes of those who founded the Ghanaian nation and accept been acute in abstraction our civic character. The sacrifices of our ancestor accept accustomed us the accessible association we adore today. We are a autonomous nation, absolute on the base of the break of admiral by the aphorism of law and account for animal rights. The 4th republic has accurate to be the best constant because it is the republic, aloft all, that arguably has accustomed the fullest announcement to the aspirations of the men and women who aggregate in Salt Pond on that acute day in 1947. In contempo times, afterwards the anticipated antecedent agitated decades of our post-independence chequered history, we accept witnessed abundant changes in Ghana

Our abridgement has grown, our basement has improved, and our association has become added inclusive. We've fabricated absorbing strides in governance, education, bloom care, and technology, and we abide to body on the foundation laid by those who came afore us. The bread-and-butter beforehand we accept experienced, admitting arduous moments, is a attestation to the animation and aggressive spirit of the Ghanaian people. The difficult bread-and-butter altitude notwithstanding, which we are rapidly abrogation behind. Our amusing casework are functioning

Our businesses are thriving. Our industries are expanding. Our agronomics is assuming strongly, and our all-around barter relationships are strengthening. This beforehand is a aftereffect of adamantine work, innovation, and the behavior that accept created a accessory ambiance for bread-and-butter development. As we absolve Founders' Day, let us admit the accent of advancement this drive and continuing to actualize opportunities for all Ghanaians

Our basement has apparent arresting improvements from roads, bridges, and railways, to schools and hospitals. We've fabricated ample investments in architecture a avant-garde and able basement network. These developments we accept in the region. As we move forward, let us abide to accent basement development to ensure that every Ghanaian has admission to the assets and opportunities he or she needs to succeed. Inclusivity is addition breadth breadth we accept fabricated abundant progress

Our association is acceptable added across-the-board with greater representation and accord from women, youth, and marginalised communities. We accept implemented behavior and initiatives to beforehand gender equality, like the afresh allowable acknowledging activity bill, empower our youth, and assure the rights of all citizens. This inclusivity is a absorption of the ethics of our founders and is capital for architecture a aloof and candid society. However, we charge additionally admit that our adventure is far from over. As we absolve our past, we charge additionally attending to the approaching with a renewed faculty of purpose and determination

We charge abide to assignment appear architecture a Ghana that is equitable, free, aloof and affluent for all her citizens. Our founders envisaged a nation breadth every Ghanaian will accept the befalling to beforehand behindhand of his or her accomplishments or circumstances. It is our assignment to backpack advanced this vision, to body on their legacy, and to actualize a brighter approaching for ourselves and for ancestors to come. To accomplish this, we must, in my admiring view, focus on 7 key areas. Firstly, we should abide to beforehand in education

Education is the cornerstone of development and the key to unlocking the abeyant of our people. We should ensure that every Ghanaian adolescent has admission to affection apprenticeship from aboriginal adolescence through to college education. This agency architecture added schools and universities, convalescent infrastructure, and beforehand in abecedary training, class development, and technology integration. 1 of the cornerstone initiatives of my administering has been the accomplishing of the Chargeless Senior High School Action launched in September 2017. This action has enabled some 5,700,000 acceptance to admission accessory apprenticeship and is additionally emphasizing the abstraction of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, STEM subjects

The affection of apprenticeship has improved, axiomatic in the 2023 YC after-effects actuality the best in the history of the examination. The ample bread-and-butter allocations on apprenticeship aural the period, accretion some 12.488,000,000 CDs, abundantly allegorize the arduous assurance of the Akufu Ado government to ensure that apprenticeship becomes a agitator about which the transformation of the nation revolves. Secondly, we should accent bloom care. A advancing nation relies on the abundance of its people. We should abide to beforehand in healthcare infrastructure, aggrandize admission to affection healthcare services, and beforehand bactericide care

This includes acclamation issues such as affectionate and adolescent health, communicable diseases, and noncommunicable diseases. Indeed, my administering back 2017 has fabricated arresting strides in healthcare delivery, beforehand heavily in basement and commutual abundant bounded and commune hospitals. The aggressive Agenda 111 action aims to assemble 111 commune hospitals and bounded accessories at an estimated amount of $1,750,000,000 Affiliated States dollars. Ongoing projects at assorted levels of achievement accept been initiated. Abundant banking investments in the bloom breadth to the tune of some 33,000,000,000 CDs and the application of some 202,000 medical cadre accept been fabricated in 7 and a bisected years

The Civic Bloom Insurance Scheme's alive associates has back 2016 added by 69%, and renewing associates is now abundant easier via adaptable telephony. We accept additionally alloyed one of the abundant acquaint of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that is the call to be assured in the assembly of vaccines, which has led to the enactment of the Civic Vaccine Institute to beforehand the activity for the calm assembly of vaccines. Thirdly, we should abide to pay absorption to agriculture. Agronomics charcoal the adventuresomeness of our abridgement and a basic antecedent of alimentation for millions of Ghanaians. By absorption on agronomical development, we can accomplish aliment security, actualize jobs, and drive bread-and-butter growth

The success of the affairs for burying for aliment and jobs, appearance 12, has approved the immense abeyant of this sector. These initiatives accept added essentially aliment assembly and accept additionally provided application opportunities for 1,000 of our youth. By continuing to beforehand in agriculture, we can body a acceptable and airy abridgement that allowances all Ghanaians. Fourthly, we should abide to beforehand bread-and-butter development and job creation. This agency acknowledging our entrepreneurs, large, medium, or baby scale, adopting innovation, and creating an ambiance that encourages investment

We should additionally focus on diversifying our economy, abbreviation our assurance on a few key industries and aesthetic sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, tourism and the agenda economy. We've taken an abridgement whose GDP was estimated in 2013 at $64,000,000,000 and had apprenticed to $56,000,000,000 by 2016 to one which is estimated currently at 76,000,000,000 Affiliated States dollars, an amplification of 20,000,000,000 Affiliated States dollars. That is a 36% access over the 7.5 years of my administration. 5thly, we should accent the activity of architecture able able aegis casework that will not alone abide to agreement law and adjustment and the adherence of the nation but will additionally advice bouncer the nation adjoin alien threats, abnormally during these afflicted times back the agitator affront that has already engulfed the Sahalian breadth of our arena is aggressive to absorb the blow of West Africa, including the littoral states too. 6thly, we should abide to strengthen our autonomous institutions and apostle the aphorism of law

Our capitalism is our greatest strength, and auspicious accuracy and accountability in accessible life, and absorption the rights and freedoms of all citizens, including their appropriate to criticize the measures of the government of the day, alike when, on around all occasions, the allegations of accepted delinquency are absolutely bottomless and groundless. Lastly, we should abide to apostle civic accord and amusing cohesion. Our assortment is one of our greatest assets, and we should assignment to ensure that every Ghanaian feels included and valued. This agency affirmation chat and understanding, acclamation issues of asperity and discrimination, and is affairs a faculty of civic pride and identity. It is through such accomplishments that we strengthen the accord of our nation

As we admission the accessible elections in December, let me assure you of my government's close assurance to ensure that they are free, fair, credible, and transparent. It is the will of the Ghanaian bodies advisedly bidding and not the will of any applicant or political party. However atrocious for power, that will prevail. The candor of our balloter activity is paramount, and we will booty all all-important accomplish to defended it. The law adjoin vigilantism will be carefully activated afterwards abhorrence or favor, ensuring that accord and adjustment are maintained throughout the balloter period

Enabling the Ghanaian bodies to accomplish their best chargeless of browbeating and violence. Ghana's continuing as a alarm of capitalism in Africa will be abiding and will abide to set an archetype for added nations to follow. Fellow Ghanaians, as we absolve Founders Day, let us bethink the acquaint of our history. Let us account the adventuresomeness and sacrifices of those who came afore us. Let us abide to admire those who fought for our abandon and for our democracy, and let us recommit ourselves to the ethics of freedom, justice, and democracy

In the spirit of our founders, let us strive to body a Ghana that is free, prosperous, and united. A Ghana breadth every aborigine can adore advisedly the fruits of his or her labour and accord to the beforehand of the nation. Happy Founders' Day, and may God absolve us all in our homeland, Ghana, and accomplish her abundant and strong. I accede you for your attention