It has emerged that Joseph Boakye Danquah (JB Danquah), a founding affiliate of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), was not the alone being who was adjoin the acceding of Ghana's ability in 1957.

Kofi Abrefa Busia, a Ghanaian historian who afterwards became Prime Minister from 1969 to 1972, was additionally adjoin the ability of the country and fabricated efforts to stop the British government from acceding Ghana ability in 1957.

This adumbration was fabricated by Kwame Nkrumah in his book, Dark Days in Ghana, area he capacity the struggles he encountered afore and afterwards his aphorism of the country from 1957 to 1966 back he was president.

In account the struggles afore ability on March 7, 1957, Kwame Nkrumah categorical the roles of assorted bodies and organizations in ensuring that his 'Self Government Now' dream was not accomplished.

One of such bodies is Kofi Abrefa Busia, who, according to Kwame Nkrumah, went as far as petitioning the British government adjoin acceding Ghana independence.

In his petition, K.A. Busia told the British government that Ghana was not accessible for ability and that the country still bare the British to run it.

Read the excerpts from Nkrumah's book below

"When the new Assembly was formally opened, the action benches were abandoned except for two associates who angry up from Togoland. Afterwards, Busia and his accompany absolved themselves by adage that they accustomed backward and could not get through the close crowds alfresco the Assembly.

The Governor, in his accent at the aperture ceremony, declared that the government would that anniversary acquaint a Bill declaring the Gold Coast a absolute and absolute accompaniment aural the Commonwealth. The afterward day, the action tabled an alteration criticizing the angle as "premature" until a added accomplishment had been fabricated to get "an agreed Constitution." The alteration was defeated by a majority of 37.

Whereupon, adopting their old tactics, the action issued a account to the columnist adage they would absent themselves from the Assembly back the Ability Motion came afore the House.

Busia, assuming area his absolute abutment lay, appear that he advised the attempt centered not in the Gold Coast but in London, and that the action would accelerate a appointment to the British government.

As I anamnesis these times, back the action agilely banned either to participate in civic discussions or to account the accommodation of the abundant majority of the people, I admiration how they managed to absorb alike the little abutment they had. Their accomplishments were so unpatriotic, dishonest, and undignified. They accumbent themselves with those who admired to arrest the country's advance appear independence. At the aforementioned time, while audibly proclaiming their acceptance in democracy, they were able to try to force the will of a baby boyhood on the majority of the nation, and so accomplish a absurdity of aldermanic government. Busia, who led the action appointment to London, absolutely appealed to the British government not to admission independence. He said the country was not accessible for it: "We still charge you (the British) in the Gold Coast."

I brainstorm he would say today that the Americans were needed! He begin some abutment amid sections of the British press, but there could be no abstinent that the altitude laid bottomward by the Secretary of State, that my motion for ability should be anesthetized by "a reasonable majority in the anew adopted Legislature," had been satisfied, and at continued aftermost a date for ability was fixed-the 6th of March 1957.


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