In his latest apocalypse on the 2024 elections, Reverend Isaac Owusu-Bempah of the Glorious Word Power Ministries International abundant an alternation with an angel of God who gave admonition about some above-mentioned airy instructions God had accustomed him.

The appointment of the angel, Reverend Owusu-Bempah says, follows an apprenticeship area he was commissioned to back bank from all sixteen regions in the country and additionally from a specific abode in Ghana area the august arrangement of cardinal is best practiced.

Further capacity on the latest apocalypse by Reverend Owusu-Bempah advertise that his antecedent apocalypse of a gigantic albatross actuality bound in the airy branch has been reversed, with the albatross now set free.

According to him, the abashing in the affected represented by the elephants has stopped, with all factions now affiliated for a accepted good.

He claimed that God has not accustomed him permission to acknowledge the aftereffect of the airy works he did with the beach and that in due time, he will advertise it if accustomed clearance.

"We've been to all the regions in Ghana to back bank from all the sixteen regions and we've afflicted things in the airy realm. A block was broiled for addition to eat, but he threw it away. Another being was accustomed the aforementioned cake, and he ate it.

"I prophesied that the albatross had been caged, but now the cage has been apart and the albatross has been set free. The abashing has ceased. In the abode area Jesus was received, he performed huge miracles, but at the places area he was rejected, he couldn't accomplish miracles.

"At aurora aftermost anniversary Monday, I accustomed a appearance from God's presence, and I had already been instructed to back beach from all regions in Ghana. I obeyed the instructions and acted accordingly.

"We again went to the abode area kings are crowned, and God told me to back beach from that abode too. Afterwards acquisition the sand, God again asked me to be patient. An angel of God gave me admonition about the beach and told me the time is due.

"By December 9, we will apperceive the accurate prophets of God, and it's afterwards the elections that you'll apperceive what God did through me," he said during a address on Sunday, August 4, 2024.

Despite the actuality of added candidates, the 2024 elections are mainly amid John Dramani Mahama of the , which has the awning as their sign, and Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia of the , which has the albatross as their symbol.

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