The bodies of Kusaug in the Upper East Arena are acceptable to get a arena if above President John Mahama wins the accessible accepted elections.

This is because the flagbearer of the (NDC) has assured the bodies that their appeal for a arena is feasible, and he is accordingly accessible to advice the Chiefs and bodies of Kusaug accomplish their aspirations.

John Mahama, in his accent at the alcazar of the Paramount King of Bawku as allotment of his advancing attack bout of the Upper East Region, gave affidavit why creating the arena for Bawku and its surrounding areas is not out of place.

For him, the Bawku ascendancy absolutely meets the belief for a new arena apropos population, viability, and acreage size, acquainted that the breadth is added densely busy and added than the anew created North East Region.

He explained that creating a new breadth will accompany development afterpiece to the bodies and enhance security.

"I discussed article with him. Your Member of Parliament [Mahama Ayariga], I'm acquainted he has accounting a letter to the Speaker requesting that addition arena should be created out of the Upper East Arena to awning the six constituencies in the Bawku area.

Bawku Naba aloft it with me, and I told him in assumption I anticipate it's a acceptable abstraction for two reasons. One is for the acumen of bringing government afterpiece to the people. That's the arch acumen for which we actualize new regions and new districts. And again the additional acumen is for security. Bawku is a appropriate aegis area because of the issues that accept been accident here," he said.

Meanwhile, the adumbration by John Mahama of the plan to actualize a arena has been criticized by some persons.

Economist Dr. Raymond Ayilu argued that it would be a bad abstraction to breach a baby arena like the Upper East Arena into two.