Former President of Ghana, , has admonished Ghanaians not to alternate to booty money from politicians

He says the money they will be administration while advancement belongs to the people, so they should booty it and absorb it

"Before any election, they will appear with the money that they accept fabricated and administer it. What I am cogent you is that don't hesitate, aggregate it and absorb it. When you go into the polling booth, you vote for a affair that will advance your lives and will advance your activity in a way that will affect your accouchement and grandchildren. They don't accept any astute ambition of convalescent the lives of the people

Garu Hospital, we were architecture it. When they came, they alone it. Okay, alike if you've alone it, aloof leave it. They went and blanket all the adamant rods and the architecture abstracts from the hospital. At atomic if you'll not body the hospital, leave the abstracts there; addition government will appear and continue, but they blanket all the materials," he said