President has paid admiration to the nation's founding fathers for laying a solid foundation for Ghana's advancing society

The sacrifices, resilience, application of purpose and abstracted administration of the ancestor had absolute in the citizenry the admiration to accomplish in all endeavours admitting the challenges against the bodies over the years, he noted

"Let us abide to admire those who fought for our union. Let us recommit ourselves to the ethics of freedom, amends and democracy," the President brash in a bulletin to admire the Founders' Day

President Nana Akufo-Addo, aloft bold appointment and based on the alarm to bless added associates of the "Big Six", proposed a legislation to Parliament to baptize August 04 as a new date of the Founders' Day anniversary in adjustment to widen the ambit of the anniversary to awning all bodies who played a key role in the liberation of the country

The accommodation was additionally to advisedly recognise two important contest in the history of Ghana above-mentioned ability in 1957

On August 04, 1897, the Gold Coast Aborigines' Rights Protection Society, led by John Mensah Sarbah, was formed

The United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) was additionally formed on August 04, 1947, by J.B. Danquah and George Alfred Paa Grant

The President adumbrated that those two scenarios would afterwards affect Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's aboriginal President, to anatomy the Convention People's Party, and afterwards advance the final lap appear independence

"The contributions of the leaders afore him were active in abstraction the political mural that facilitated Nkrumah's acceleration to prominence," he emphasised

The Founders' Day, he said, care to admonish the bodies of the ethics that had guided the nation through the years, decidedly the account for the aphorism of law, animal rights and following of a chargeless and autonomous society

"These ethics are the reflections of the eyes of those who founded the Ghanaian nation, and accept been acute in abstraction our civic character," he noted

The President said in the political history of the nation, the Fourth Republic had accurate to be the best enduring, elaborating that afterwards the anticipated antecedent agitated decades of post-independence, "we accept witnessed abundant changes in Ghana." "Our abridgement has grown, our basement has improved, and our association has become added inclusive

"We accept fabricated absorbing strides in governance, education, healthcare and technology. And, we abide to body on the foundation laid by those who came afore us," he said of the assets fabricated over the years

The President accent the charge for the nation to prioritise education, healthcare, inclusivity, agronomical and socio-economic development for the wellbeing of the people

Added importantly, the citizenry should embrace civic accord and acceptable neighbourliness to body a abiding and affluent society, he advised