In a arresting affectation of generosity, acclaimed extra Mercy Asiedu and her husband, Kunsuhene Dr. Nana Agyemang Badu Duah I, accept donated basic hospital accessories account GH¢320,000 to the Kunsu Bloom Center.

This anxious activity aims to decidedly enhance healthcare charge in the Ahafo Ano South-West District of the Ashanti Region.

The donation includes capital items such as alien ascendancy beds, TV sets, fridges, mattresses, air mattresses, and beverage stands.

Kunsuhene, Dr. Nana Agyemang Badu Duah, aggregate a claimed anecdote, absolute that his wife's contempo hospital acceptance accent the burning charge for able equipment.

He fatigued the accent of affection healthcare, cartoon from his own adventures and those of his wife and her team.

"I accept a claimed affiliation with the Kunsu Bloom Center, as it's area I seek medical absorption back I'm ill. Similarly, my wife, Mercy Asiedu, and her aggregation accept analysis here. During her contempo admission, I was abashed to see the afflictive accompaniment of the beds, mattresses, and dribble stands. This acquaintance prompted me to booty action, as I accept been acknowledging this hospital with accessories back the CHPS admixture was congenital by Mahama. I absitively to advancement the ability with ultra-modern beds and mattresses to enhance healthcare delivery. Additionally, I accustomed the charge for ball and medication storage, so I purchased TV sets for anniversary area and bristles refrigerators to affluence medicines," he said.

Mercy Asiedu aggregate her claimed experience, saying: "During my admission, I saw the challenges firsthand. I discussed it with my husband, and we absitively to abutment the ability with the all-important equipment."

Mercy Asiedu, the acclaimed actress, emphasized the accent of able aliment and apprenticed the facility's staff, decidedly the charwoman team, to booty active affliction of the anew donated alien ascendancy beds, ensuring their constancy and optimal achievement through approved circadian upkeep.

The Ahafo Ano South-West Acting Bloom Director, Michael Owusu Kwaakye, accepted the couple's generosity, affirmation that government efforts abandoned cannot advance healthcare.

He apprenticed all stakeholders to accord to bland bloom delivery.

A charge to development:

Kunsuhene Dr. Nana Agyemang Badu Duah bidding his charge to development in Kunsu and Ahafo Ano South-West, alms ample aloof acreage for projects.

He additionally apprenticed to advance the anew complete hospital ability (Agenda 111) in his community.

"Development is the key to unlocking the abeyant of Kunsu and Ahafo Ano South-West. We avowal an affluence of land, accessible to be acclimatized for assorted adorning projects. Our association is acquisitive and able to embrace any action that fosters advance and progress," he said.