The Member of Assembly for Tamale South, , has declared that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) needs to defended over 35% of the votes in the Ashanti arena to win the 2024 accepted elections.

He emphasized the party's ambition to assignment agilely to accomplish this target, assertive it will be acceptable for victory.

Speaking at the attack barrage for Asawase MP, Muntaka Mohammed, in the Ashanti region, Iddrisu encouraged capacity to abutment NDC flagbearer , admitting the region's acceptable abutment for the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

"You saw the army this morning and we are seeing the army here. I apprehend the NPP adage that Ashanti is for NPP. Ashanti is alone for NPP if they are performing. And Ashanti is alone for NPP if businesses are good. Ashanti is alone for NPP if unemployment was low. And therefore, we are optimistic that Asanteman will abutment and abutment NDC to win.

"We charge aloof a little aloft 35% in Ashanti arena and we acknowledge the champ of the 2024 Presidential and Aldermanic elections. That is our aspiration, and we charge assignment appear that," he said according to

additionally apprenticed abutment for Muntaka Mohammed, in the 2024 aldermanic elections.

"Muntaka Mohammed is your appalling adumbrative in Parliament. He will abide to do acceptable to the bodies of Ghana and he will abide to serve the Muslim Ummah bigger in parliament. He has done it before, and he will abide to do it," he added.