Historian and adept anchorperson Charles Amankwa-Ampofo anecdotal Sarpong's bequest in a TikTok video. Amankwa-Ampofo declared how Sarpong consistently alone bribes from drivers bent committing alley offences. Sarpong would generally say, "As for me, I do not charge money, but it is 'aban' or the accompaniment that needs the money, so go and accord it to the state." He would ensure that offenders were taken to cloister rather than accepting any money from them

Sarpong's acceptability was such that drivers, aloft spotting him, would bound alter and acquaint others by saying, "aban was ahead," advertence that Sarpong was nearby. Amankwa-Ampofo captivated a accumulation of old newspapers, including a Daily Graphic advertisement from 28 December 1972, with the headline, 'Aban' dies. The commodity appear Sarpong's afterlife at the Military Hospital at age 50, due to pneumonia

Thus, Paul Kwasi Sarpong's bequest lives on in Ghanaian language, with 'aban' symbolising the state's attendance and authority

Ghana Police ece-auto-gen Paul Kwasi Sarpong's bequest charcoal acutely anchored in Ghanaian ability and language. His abiding charge to candor and amends in law administration has immortalised him as a attribute of the state's authority. The appellation 'aban', initially acclimated to denote the attendance of the state, now carries a abstruse account for Sarpong's conscionable access to policing. His adventure serves as a attestation to the appulse one alone can accept on abstraction the ethics and perceptions of a nation. Through both actual accounts and accustomed vernacular, Sarpong's access endures, absorption a abiding account for the attempt he championed