The Vice President and Flagbearer of the NPP Dr.

Mahamudu Bawumia, has said former President Mahama has sensed a looming defeat in December's Presidential election, hence his recent attacks on institutions and their leaders.  Addressing thousands of supporters in Amasaman today, Dr.

Bawumia called out former President Mahama for attacking Pastors, Chiefs, Imams and CSOs - an attack Dr.

Bawumia said was indecent.  Dr.

Bawumia's comments, were in response to a viral video in which former President Mahama launched attacks on Chiefs, the Clergy, Imams and CSOs, for supporting what he called the "foolish" NPP government, instead of criticising the government for its failures.  Responding, Dr.

Bawumia said Mahama is frustrated because he sees defeat coming, hence the "insults." "You all know that this election is between me and former President Mahama .

But how the campaign is  going, the former President has seen that he will lose massively so any little things, he gets upset," Dr.

Bawumia said.  "Today I have heard that he has insulted pastors, Imams, Chiefs and CSOs.

He says they are all hypocrites.

Ho can you say this?

Is this how a former President should speak?

That Chiefs, the Clergy, Imams and  CSOs  are hypocrites." "Recently he has also been insulting the Electoral Commission.

Today too, he said NPP government is a foolish government.  Are these utterances that should be coming out of the mouth of a former President?

How can a former President make such indecent comments?" While calling out Mahama for his unpresidential utterances, Dr.

Bawumia added that all politicians must be guarded by what they say on campaign platforms because the election is not about insults, but rather issues and ideas.  "We, politicians  must have some decency in the language we speak.  This election is not about insults.  It is about ideas.

You only insult people when you do not have ideas.

But if you have ideas, you present your ideas." "We have ideas and we have bold solutions to problems.

You say we are a foolish government but we have created more jobs than your government.

We have built more roads than your government.

We have built more interchanges than your government.

We have built more bridges than  your government .

We have built more factories than your government.

We have built more schools than your government.

We have buikt more hospitals tha  your government.

We have built more court houses than your government.

We have built more court houses than your government.

We have built more sanitation facilities than your government.  We have built more astro turfs than your government.  We have built more sports facilities than your government. We have built more fibre optic cables than your government.

Every sector of the economy that you can mention, we have done better than you.

And you say we are foolish government?

Bawumia said." KA b>Watch the latest episode of Everyday People on GhanaWeb TV below: