Presidential Candidate for the (NDC), , has apprenticed to authority the accepted administering answerable for declared base practices if adopted admiral in the accessible December 7, elections.

During his civic attack bout in the Upper East Region, Mr Mahama accurately targeted Admiral Akufo-Addo and his family, accusing them of misappropriating accompaniment resources.

"I will authority Akufo-Addo and his ancestors answerable for what they accept done by misappropriating the abundance of the people," Mr Mahama declared.

He asserted that the bribery and bribery beneath the (NPP) government has decidedly damaged the nation's abridgement and the abundance of its citizens.

Mr Mahama apprenticed Ghanaians to vote out the NPP, accession his abeyant admiral as a antidotal force adjoin the accepted government's declared misconduct.

Mr Mahama promised to abode the bribery that has bedeviled the accepted administration, vowing to accompany those amenable to justice.

He additionally assured that his anti-corruption efforts would extend above the NPP, committing to accouterment base practices aural his own affair as well.

"My charge to action bribery will not be bound to NPP admiral alone. I will appropriately go afterwards my appointees if they are additionally begin to be corrupt," he stated.