The NDC presidential candidate, , has promised to authorize a university in Bawku back voted into power.

He fabricated the affiance at a durbar of chiefs and bodies of the Kusaug acceptable breadth in the Bawku Naba Palace. The above admiral fabricated the affiance afterwards a angle was fabricated to him by the Bawku Naba, Zugraan Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II.

The NDC administration is currently in the Upper East Region, accepting kickstarted their attack for the 2024 elections afterwards ablution the attack in Tamale aftermost week.

The above admiral and the NDC are accepted to appointment the Pusiga, Tempane, and Garu constituencies as allotment of their first-day bout of the Upper East Region.

They accept so far accustomed a activation accession from supporters of the party.