During the programme, the host of the radio show, AJ Sarpong, alleged Cindy, the wife of Brandon, to acquaint her of her husband's accommodation to conduct a ancestors analysis of their son and acknowledge the results. Cindy initially bidding her annoyance with her husband's accommodation and approved to accept the acumen that would accomplish him agnosticism the ancestors of their son

During her rants, Cindy accidentally appear that she additionally had doubts about the paternity. She again accepted she got sexually complex with addition man two weeks afore her alliance to Brandon. "I do accept doubts. I kinda absorbed up afore we got married. I begin out I was abundant a ages later," she confessed

AJ Sarpong again appear the after-effects of the DNA test, which accepted that Brandon was the ancestor of their son, afterward Cindy's confession

Cindy bidding her shock afterwards audition the aftereffect of the after-effects and absorption on her confession. "Jesus Christ," she exclaimed

DNA TEST Pulse Ghana Brandon, who had been alert to the chat all along, was affronted by the development and wondered why his wife would bluff on him and accumulate it a secret

"I accept been quiet for a while because I'm award it adamantine to accept that I beddy-bye on the aforementioned bed with somebody… I am now award out she did article with somebody afore our alliance and she couldn't alike acquaint me. If I had not taken up this test, you would accept been active with the agnosticism until when?" he lamented

In Ghana, ancestors testing has become more common, apprenticed by a growing acquaintance of its accent in acknowledging biological relationships. Many individuals seek these tests due to doubts or acknowledged reasons, generally afflicted by civic pressures and the charge for authoritativeness in familial ties