Prophet Akwasi Agyeman Prempeh, the General Overseer of the Ultimate Charismatic Center, afresh acquired absorption for his altruism appear an aged man who was captured in a viral video, bawl over an contributed debt.

The prophet, whose absorption was fatigued to this video, went in chase of the man, eventually clearing the debt the man owed in full.

According to capacity aggregate online, the aged man, Kofi Mensah, from the Volta Region, was arrant because he had taken money from Quick Credit, a accommodation facility, but was clumsy to accord it.

In the viral video, Mensah was apparent abundantly arrant and allurement bodies to accord him abundant time to achieve the debt.

"I, Kofi Mensah, cannot say I won't pay. The money is not for my mother nor father; it is advice that you gave me. It is aloof a botheration that I am currently facing, that's why I've not been able to pay. I can never do that. Master, I beg you, I will pay the money. I will never run away; if I'd run, I'd accept done so a continued while ago. I beg you, I will pay the money. If I won't pay, I'd accept committed suicide continued ago. I don't appetite it that way, that's why. Money is money, it is today that I don't have," Kofi Mensah tearfully said.

Following this, the video was broadly circulated, with some amusing media users tagging Nana Tea, a amusing media influencer and philanthropist, to appear to the man's aid.

Upon seeing the video, Nana Tea absitively to acquaint Astrologer Akwasi Agyeman Prempeh about it and to accost advice from him.

Following that, Astrologer Agyeman Prempeh got in blow with the man and eventually acclimatized the absolute bulk of GH¢11,000.

In a column to amend the public, Nana Tea took to his Facebook folio to amend and advertise the action of the man of God.

Nana Tea wrote, "Akosombo... Astrologer Prempeh has austere the accommodation with an bulk of GH¢11,000. Amend on the admirer who owed the accommodation and was apprenticed in a car from Kpong to Kpeve.

"After I showed the video to my ancestor Astrologer Akwasi Agyeman Prempeh, he requested capacity of the accommodation he was owing. It came out that he was attributable an bulk of GH¢11,000. Astrologer Prempeh has beatific me the money, and I went to Akosombo to account the accommodation so he can be a chargeless man.

"God absolve you, Papa," his column said.

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