Dr. Albert Antwi-Boasiako, the Director-General of the Cyber Security Authority (CSA), has apprenticed to body a multipurpose ICT class for the acceptance of Oda Senior High Academy (ODASCO).

The action is to authenticate his charge appear the development of ICT apprenticeship at the school, and its accomplishing will activate as anon as a acceptable area is provided by the academy authorities.

Speaking at the school's 64th accent and prize-giving day on Saturday, July 27, 2024, at Akim Oda, Dr. Antwi-Boasiako, an alum of the academy and bedfellow apostle at the ceremony, emphasised the accent of agenda articulacy in Ghana's educational arrangement announcement that the activity would be delivered through his NGO, Apprenticeship for Development (E4D) Foundation.

During his speech, on the affair "Opportunities and Risks in ICT: The Role of Apprenticeship Stakeholders in Creating and Abstraction Absolute Agenda Adventures of Students", Dr. Antwi-Boasiako accent the acute role of stakeholders in abstraction absolute agenda adventures for students.

He declared that although ICT brings "a game-changing opportunity" to the educational area to advance teaching and acquirements and accurately to empower students, it additionally comes with inherent risks.

The agenda landscape, he indicated, "is abounding with risks such as cyberbullying, misinformation, and aloofness breaches" and that "children are apparent to risks associated with the Contacts they authorize on the internet, the Contents they admission on agenda platforms and risks associated with the Conduct of the bodies they collaborate with on the internet."

He remarked that a 2022 analysis by the Adolescent Online Protection (COP) Division of the CSA, accustomed that sixty-four (64%) of acceptance in the Greater Accra Region accept pornographic abstracts in assorted forms, including images, words and videos.

Similarly, the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) additionally appear that the best accepted platforms acclimated to host adolescent animal corruption actual are amusing media.

Against this backdrop, Dr. Antwi-Boasiako fatigued the charge for a able-bodied agenda articulacy framework to adapt acceptance for a approaching apprenticed by technology and alleged for accord amid the government, educators, and parents to ensure safe agenda adventures for children.

He mentioned that bright guidelines for the ethical and amenable use of technology by acceptance are essential, and advocated for the accomplishing of agenda citizenship programmes that advise acceptance about online safety, privacy, the after-effects of cyberbullying, and career paths in ICT.

He additionally advocated for the assimilation of courses like coding, robotics, and cybersecurity into the class from primary to accessory education.

Furthermore, the Director-General of the CSA emphasised the acute role that parents, guardians, and caregivers, comedy in acknowledging children's use of ICT at home.

He brash parents to utilise accoutrement like affectionate ascendancy software to adviser and adviser their wards' internet use, ensuring they break on alone safe and advantageous websites.

"Regular discussions with your accouchement about their online adventures and ambience bright rules about internet use can reinforce their compassionate of amenable agenda behaviour", he added.

Dr. Antwi-Boasiako additionally acclaimed the accent of public-private partnerships with tech companies to accommodate schools with admission to the latest agenda tools.

"Policymakers should additionally animate public-private partnerships to accompany in addition and investment. Such affiliation could be amid the government and tech companies like Microsoft and Google, which can accommodate schools with admission to the latest software and agenda tools," he explained.

Dr. Albert Antwi-Boasiako fatigued the abstruse appulse the academy has had on his life. Noting that the attempt of analytical thinking, absolute attitude, resilience, account and following of arete absolute in him accept afflicted who he is.

He accordingly apprenticed the acceptance of ODASCO to advance a absolute attitude appear their goals and encouraged them to not aloof be acute but to accept a analytical and airy access to learning, "Your attitude shapes who you become. Start anniversary day accessible to apprentice and grow" he stated.

In a accompanying development, the Oda Senior High School, honoured Dr. Antwi-Boasiako with a commendation for his charge to cybersecurity development locally and internationally.