Police admiral are accomplished to be acclimatized professionals, but the Daily Graphic bi-weekly in 1968 appear an adventure involving two badge admiral assuming how boisterous some of them can be.

The bi-weekly appear on a action amid two uniformed badge admiral - an Escort and a General - absorbed to the Ghana Railway Badge Station at the station's allegation appointment over a stick of cigarette.

According to the newspaper, they fought for about 45 account until one of them started bleeding abundantly from the adenoids back added policemen continuing by intervened to stop the fight.

A reliable antecedent told the bi-weekly that the action ensued afterwards one of the badge admiral asked the aide for a stick of cigarette, but the added banned the request.

This led to a quarrel, which eventually resulted in an accessible action at the allegation office. 

The bi-weekly captured the adventure as follows:

"Two policemen in compatible - an Escort and a General - absorbed to the Ghana Railway Badge Station in Accra, fought aboveboard on Wednesday night at the station's allegation appointment over a stick of cigarette."

See the bi-weekly abridgement below: