Paul Kwasi Sarpong is a name about cipher can calmly chronicle with, but if you are a Ghanaian, you charge absolutely apperceive what the appellation 'aban' means. Yet, these two are so accompanying so abundant that history has not done a acceptable job amalgamation them.

This is the adventure of a above Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and how his 'unconventional' policing appearance engraved that name - aban - in the bolt of Ghanaian jargons.

Giving a account of the adventure abaft this already illustrious policeman on his TikTok, historian and adept broadcaster, Charles Amankwa-Ampofo told the adventure of how Paul Kwasi Sarpong fabricated it a assignment to adios bribes from drivers who were arrested for alley offences.

Speaking in Twi, he explained that story.

"He was a Deputy Superintendent of Police. And he was addition who was acclimatized and austere and if he arrested you as a driver, if you absitively to go abaft the agent to accompany your authorization with some money buried in it, he would acquaint you that as for him, he did not charge money, but it was 'aban' or the accompaniment that bare the money so go and accord it to the state.

"He acclimated to say that he had arrested bodies because they had flouted the law and he did not charge their money and so he would booty them to court," he narrated.

The historian connected to explain that because of that, "whenever drivers were on the alley and saw him, they would bound alter and if they saw added aide drivers, they would acquaint them that 'aban was ahead.'"

To abutment what he was saying, Amankwa-Ampofo had in his duke a accumulation of old newspapers in which he had addled to a folio that had a adventure with the headline, 'Aban' dies.

The Daily Graphic advertisement of Thursday, December 28, 1972, read;

"Mr Paul Kwasi Sarpong, Deputy Superintendent of Police, bargain accepted amid motorists as 'Aban,' died at the Military Hospital bygone morning at the age of 50.

"Police sources adumbrated that Mr. Sarpong died of pneumonia afterwards actuality in hospital for a abbreviate time."

See the blow of the bi-weekly clipping, as able-bodied as the TikTok video from Amankwa-Ampofo below: