AdvertisementActor and actor Kwadjo Nkansah, bigger accepted by his date name Lil Win has bidding affair over the criticism he accustomed afterwards a 3-year-old boy died in a abhorrent blow in May which he was complex in

Speaking to guests at the accent and prize-giving day of his school, Great Minds International Academy in Ahenkro, Ashanti Region, Lil Win bidding his affliction for the narratives that accept been advance about him, adage he has never wronged anyone and that he would never accept planned an  blow to abuse him or anyone

"With the contempo affair that happened with me, bodies alleged me appreciative and aweless yet I accept never fought with anyone or baseborn from anyone in Ghana before

"I can't acquaint if it's because of the academy I built, the abode I alive in or the car I drive. There is no acumen for me to carefully arrange an blow that could annihilate me," he said on Saturday, August 3

Lil Win additionally mentioned his accommodating deeds, such as architecture the school, and claimed that his action is a admiration to do good

In adjustment to handle the accretion cardinal of kids, he appear the architecture of a new academy architecture adjacent and bidding his achievement that approaching MPs will acclaim his academy for their education

"Good accomplishments get acceptable rewards.  Several years afterwards back I am old, I appetite to apprehend an MP say that he or she got his or her apprenticeship from the academy I built. May God absolve anybody abnormally those who beatific their accouchement to my school

"Due to the overflow of acceptance in my school, I accept congenital addition in a 2minutes ambit from the aboriginal architecture to accommodate added students," he added

  View this column on Instagram   A column aggregate by (@zionfelixdotcom) Read also:  'We still accept in his innocence' - Lil Win's attorneys on blow that dead 3-year-old boy