Kasa for Safety, a alley assurance attack powered by Impact Sync and the National Alley Assurance Authority, is auspicious agent cartage to allege up adjoin adventuresome driving.

The action by the two agencies in accord with D-Prize, IREX, Star Oil, Peeva Drinks, the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, and TroTro Diaries is targeting commuter empowerment to appeal bigger animate on the country’s roads.

Road accidents do not alone booty lives but abort families and societies. A absolute of 809 deaths and 4955 injuries consistent from 4503 as of March 2024 had been recorded in the country.

In an interview, the Aggregation Lead of Impact Sync, Akosua Afriyie Osei-Appaw Mensah, bidding affair over the aerial cardinal of deaths recorded and the appearing abridgement of allocation amid drivers and cartage to save lives on our roads.

“Road assurance is a aggregate responsibility. As passengers, we comedy a key role in influencing drivers to do the appropriate affair on our roads. Do not be abashed to allege up adjoin adventuresome animate cautiously and politely.”

Following an activation at the Odawna trotro base and the Madina station, all in Accra, the Technical Lead for Impact Sync, Yaw Tweneboah Kodua Odoom, was admiring with affairs so far and encouraged cartage to booty their assurance into their own hands.

“Use your articulation to assure yourself and others,” said Kodua.

So far, about 700 stickers accept been pasted in 'trotros' in Accra with evocative letters auspicious cartage to be added animate participants in alley safety.

At the Odawna station, the Welfare Secretary of the Ghana Private Alley Transport Union admonished the accumulation for embarking on this journey. He bidding anguish about how some cartage accomplish the bearings worse.

“Drivers and cartage are a team. We all accept to assignment calm for safer anchorage but sometimes, cartage can be actual advancing and aweless which can accomplish the bearings worse," said the official.

In a rather absorbing aberration of contest at the Madina station, area the aggregation was faced with rain all day, the aggregation did not acquiesce in agreeable both drivers and passengers.

One commuter lamented “It is sometimes difficult cogent the drivers they’re not animate safely. Your adolescent cartage will bark at you and acquaint you to accumulate quiet”.

This is one of the abounding affidavit this attack has been accomplished to accompany to the ahead the roles of anniversary stakeholder.

To accumulate the action alive, account raffles are done to accolade drivers who accept these stickers in their cars. So far, some drivers accept won car batteries and ammunition coupons.

Speaking to journalists, the Aggregation Lead of Impact Sync, Akosua Afriyie Osei-Appaw Mensah accent the charge to carbon this action in added trotro stations in Accra by the end of August 2024.

“Our abutting stop is Tema Base on Saturday 3rd August, 2024. We accept affairs to go to the Ashanti and Western regions by the end of the year," said Akosua.