The Nkusunkum Traditional Council in the Mfantsiman Mu­nicipality of the Central Region has appealed to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to ensure that the development and commissioning of the lithium mine in the municipality begins before the end of his tenure.

Consequently, the Council has urged the President to impress on Parliament to treat the ratification of Lithium Mining Lease Agreement before it with the urgency it desired in order to pave way for a smooth take-off of the project in the area. "Mfantsiman has discovered large de­posits of lithium.

The greater portion of these deposits are found in the Nkusunk­um Traditional Area, however, our major problem now is parliamentary ratification of the lease agreement.

It is our plea that you will use your good office to speed up the process so the development of the mine will commence before you leave office," the Council said.

The appeal was made when a delega­tion from the Nkunsumkum Traditional Council led by its president, Nana Okesse Essandoh, called on President Akufo-Ad­do at the Jubilee House on Tuesday.

The visit was for the council to express its gratitude to the President and his government for the level of development undertaken in the whole municipality and the Nkusunkum Traditional Area in partic­ular as well as officially invite him to grace the final funeral rite of the late Omanhene of Nkusunkum, Nana Okesse Essandoh IX and also the annual Obidum festival of the people.

Other members of the delegation were Nana Kwesi Brebo, Benkumhene of Nkusunkum, Nana Kwabonko V, An­kobiahene of Nkusunkum, Nana Poma XIII, Adontenghene of Nkusunkum, Nana Egyir Okofo, Dwantuahene of Nkusunkum, Nana Tekyi, Kyidomhene of Nkusunkum and Nana Kwame Ntsiful, Krontehene of Nkunsunkum.

Nana Essandoh said the discovery of lithium in commercial quantities in the area was not only important for the country, but also very critical for the development of the entire Mfantsiman Municipality.

He said the traditional council was in support of the necessary steps taken by government to ensure the mining of the resource in the area and would expect that Parliament would ensure the quick ratifi­cation of the lease agreement between the republic and Atlantic Lithium Company.

Touching on the level of development which had taken place in the traditional area since 2017, Nana Essandoh said for over 700 years of its existence, Yanmoran­sah for the first time have had all its town roads seeing bituminous roads.

In addition, he said the redevelopment of the Victoria Park at Saltpond, the elevation of Biriwa Vocational Training Institute to a TVET status and the con­struction of a number of market stores across the municipality clearly demonstrat­ed the government's commitment to the development of the area.

Nana Essandoh expressed his profound gratitude to the President for the leader­ship he had shown since becoming the President of the country.

He also appealed for a bus for the Salt­pond Methodist Senior High School and the Nkusunkum Traditional Council.

President Akufo-Addo, on his part, expressed his appreciation to the council for recognising his contributions towards the development of the area.

He stated that his government would do whatever necessary to ensure that the development of the Lithium Industry became a reality, adding that "I am of the hope that when Parliament resumes they will take a serious look at the lease and ratify the lease."  Develop, commission lithium mine before end of your tenure …Nkusunkum Traditional Council appeals to President  BY CLIFF EKUFUL