The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission has launched a digital observatory platform to track and report on gender related indica­tors among member states.

It is also expected to serve as a tool for gathering, dissemi­nating and analysing real time gender data in order to assist decision makers to implement policies that promote equality towards empowering women and girls across the region.

Dubbed the ECOWAS Gender Observatory (ECOGO) platform, the initiative would additionally provide a comprehensive database on gender equality as well as to be used as a hub for sharing best practices to enhance cooperation among civil society organisations and the international partners.

The launch of the platform follows a three-day capacity build­ing workshop for Information Communication and Technology experts to spearhead the imple­mentation of the programme.

The Commissioner for Human Development and Social Affairs of the ECOWAS Commission Professor Fatou Sow Sarr, speak­ing at the ceremony on Friday said the initiative represents a crucial toll in the quest for gender equality and women empower­ment in the sub region.

She stated that it was the collective responsibility of member states to ensure that the data collected and studied are translated into tangible action and positive change on the ground. "The real work begins from now, we must therefore commit ourselves to implementing the EOGO digital platform towards making a significant impact and advance gender equality within ECOWAS," she added.

The Commissioner commended USAID West Africa for providing 17 laptops, 17 printers for the fo­cal persons as well as the financial resources to cover the internet connection and coordination expenses for three months, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for the tech­nical and financial support that made the training possible.

The United States Agency for International Development (US­AID) West Africa Acting Regional Mission Director Michelle Barrett said the partnership between ECOWAS and her outfit was founded on shared values and a unified vision for a West Africa where peace, stability and gender equity are not just aspirations but realities for all its citizens. "Today, as we inaugurate EOGO, we reaffirm our com­mitment to this vision and to the principles that guide our collabo­ration," she added.

The Director, UNDP-Region­al Service Centre for Africa, Dr Mathias Naab, said EOGO was a bold initiative that would confront obstacles and rigorously monitor the compliance of member states with commitment on gender equality strategy and the renewed strategic offer for Africa.

The Director of Women, Gen­der and Youth Directorate of the Africa Union Commission, Ms Prudence Ngwenya via ZOOM indicated that observatory would provide critical insights into gen­der disparities in various sectors including health, education, polit­ical representation and economic participation to enhance evidence based decision. "By harnessing this data we can craft targeted interventions that address the specific needs of women, youth and marginalised groups, ensuring that no one is left behind," she added.

The Director of the ECOWAS Gender Development Centre, Ms Sandra Oulate, also used the oc­casion to present dummy cheque valued at $245.000 towards the enhancement of the National Fistula programme.  BY LAWRENCE VOMAFA-AKPALU