Policy Analyst, Atik Mohammed has slammed the leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) over their planned nationwide protest at the various district offices of the Electoral Commission on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

According to the NDC, its intended demonstration is in response to alleged discrepancies in the voter register, which the NDC argues could undermine the credibility of the upcoming 2024 general elections.

The announcement came during a press briefing following the filing of Mr.

Mahama's nomination for the presidential race.

Addressing supporters in Sampa, Jaman North District of the Bono Region, Mr.

Mahama stressed the need for accountability and transparency from the EC. "If we desire free, fair, and peaceful elections, then the EC must up their game and do things right.

So on the 17th of this month [September], NDC is going to demonstrate in every town that has an EC office.

Our chairman [Johnson Asiedu Nketiah] has announced it," Mr.

Mahama declared.

But commenting on the NDC planned protest while speaking in panel discussion on Peace FM monitored by GhanaWeb on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, Atik Mohammed disagreed with the NDC over the protest, questioning what the party stands to achieve with that exercise. "I have heard that the NDC wants to embark on a nationwide protest concerning discrepancies in the electoral register.

I do not know to what end.

If there are issues you have found with the register, my belief is that there are clear procedures; they may not be exactly constitutional, but there are conventional ways we address these issues.  "IPAC is a great platform; it has worked for us over the years.

You can actually demand that the EC calls an IPAC meeting at which you can table whatever you have gathered before the EC and you give your evidence.

This planned protest will not help matter, what really is the goal in mind?

Are we creating an impression that the EC is running with a terrible register," Atik Mohammed asked?

He stated that as we speak, EC has not come out with a final register; hence, the NDC should not get ahead of itself. "As we speak, we do not have a register.

After exhibition, the Electoral Commission will have to sit, and the system is designed in a way that it will do the automatic deletion by itself.

So we don't have a register currently.

With this protest, I think the NDC is just running ahead of itself.

My point is that if you feel strongly about anything, lay it before the EC, let them refuse to act and then we can all say the NDC had evidence of this and that and the EC ignored them.

But the NDC has not done that and rather intends to stage a protest," Atik stated.

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