A affiliate of the Movement for Change, Samuel Owusu, has alleged Admiral Akufo-Addo's District Road Improvement Programme (DRIP) as a political scam.

The DRIP is advised to empower Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) with the all-important assets and accessories to adjust and advance anchorage aural their areas.

The action aligns with the government's charge to decentralization, accouterment bounded authorities with the accoutrement to aftereffect allusive change.

But Samuel Owusu says the action is a "419," launched to deceive Ghanaians and seek political votes.

He declared the government has not appear the amount of the initiative, put into the accessible any certificate that shows that the accessories belongs to Ghana, and all added accordant affairs surrounding the project.

To him, the action is buried in clandestineness and is the "greatest betray of all time."

"What has been launched is the greatest betray on earth, and I will authenticate why it is so. How is it that they accept told us the accessories is 2,240, but they accept not told us that the accessories belongs to Ghanaians? Where are the abstracts advice the ownership? The additional point I appetite to outline is the amount of the equipment. Accept they appear or told us the amount of the machines? I additionally appetite to point out that the admiral is not application his assets to advance Ghana. They are application taxes paid by Ghanaians.

So they cannot pretend as if these initiatives were done by a political affair or with their resources. So clearly, it is the greatest betray of all time. Currently, we are witnessing an ambulance scandal. Some bodies accept been awarded arguable additional genitalia contracts, and that case is brewing. Since we afresh bought these ambulances, we've been told that their account acceding is alone $34 million. What is the account acceding for these machines?"

He warned Ghanaians not to be bamboozled by the idea, abandoning how Freddie Blay, the above NPP Chairman, apprenticed to accord anniversary constituency a bus back he ran for civic affair administrator but did not chase through.

"This is the aforementioned action Freddie Blay used. How did he become the administrator of the NPP? He went about with buses, able bodies that these buses would be for the constituencies. The affair assembly gave Ted his name and voted for him, but afterwards the elections, the buses disappeared. That is why I accept additionally not accurate him and additionally not accurate Admiral Akufo-Addo back he contested the centralized elections. He is additionally fake. The apparatus launched is a scam. We are almost four months into the accepted elections, and so they appetite to accompany in article to deceive Ghanaians."