A member of the Greater Accra Regional Peace Council, Alhaji Khuzaimah Mohammed Osman, has called on Muslims to strive to become ambassadors of Islam, especially in the western world where Islamic religion is perceived as violent and intolerant to their culture and beliefs. "Islam goes beyond that and Islam permits Muslims to live and coexist peacefully with people of other faiths and practices.

Islam also calls on us to respect our fellow humans irrespective of their faith, background and gender," Alhaji Osman, who is also the Ex­ecutive Secretary of the Tijanniya Muslims of Ghana, added.

Delivering Khutbah (sermon) last Friday, Jumah prayers at Owings Mill in USA, during a visit, Alhaji Osman said "let us continue to promote that and let our actions speak for us and attract people to become Muslims not just by our words, writings or quotations in the communities or social media." Quoting from the Qur'an, he said "Allah does not prohibit you from being kind to those who do not derive you from your homes or prevent you from worshiping." "Brothers and Islam, let us learn more about our religion before someone comes to misinform us about our religion and dilute it with untruthfulness and deceit.

Let us get kind to others and let us try to emulate the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who was sent by Allah as the most perfect example for us to follow," he said.

Adding that, "Brothers and sisters in Islam and members of the human fraternity.

We are assembled here because we are bound by two commonalities; faith and race.

We are Muslims and members of the human race.

Live in Peace wherever you are and continue to shine and lead good and exempla­ry lifestyle to the admiration of authority, neighborhood but most importantly your family." Prophet Muhammad SAW said "the best of you are those who are best to their families and I am the best to my family." Giving a piece of advice, Alhaji Osman said "as immigrants or people from far away Africa, Mid­dleast or Asia who are living here, working and raising families here in America, you are responsible for many people and generations to come.

The exemplary lifestyles of the early migrants from your countries had made it easy for the indigenes in America to accept you because they know your forefathers who came earlier lived peacefully with them.

Same way, if you live a good life, your children and grandchil­dren who are coming to settle or work here in future would enjoy the fruit of your exemplary lifestyle." The Quran says "there is no compulsion in accepting a reli­gion." And so I see the beauty of Islam when a Ghanaian family invited me here in Baltimore to dine with them and I met among their families some who are not Muslims but they also came to receive me and welcome me.