Consolidated Bank Ghana (CBG) Limited, as part of its Corporate Social Investment (CSI), has inaugurated a new laboratory for the Larteh Health Centre in the Eastern Region.

Prior to the official commission­ing of the facility, the delegation from CBG Bank Ghana Limited, led by the Managing Director, Mr Daniel Wilson Addo, paid a courte­sy call on Osabarima Nana Asiedu Okoo Ababio III, the Benkumhene of the Akuapim Traditional Area.

Mr Addo, was accompanied by the Deputy Managing Director of Corporate Resources, Madam Nana Ama Poku, along with the Divisional Directors of the bank, Madam Esi Mmirba Wilson in charge of People and Transforma­tion, Mr Gerald Quartey in charge of Credit, and Mr Patrick Boadi responsible for Internal Audit.

The inauguration ceremony, was witnessed by the chief and his council as well as the Deputy Director of Nursing and Midwife­ry Services for Akuapim North, Madam Regina Akweley Klutse.

Inaugurating the laboratory, Mr Addo, emphasised the bank's belief in the power of community and its role in supporting community development and sustainability. "Our CSI initiatives focus on health, community development, and education.

By aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Devel­opment Goals (SDGs), we address crucial areas that promote progress and well-being," he stated.

Mr Addo said the newly estab­lished laboratory would address a significant gap in local healthcare.

Madam Klutse expressed grat­itude to CBG Bank for financing the construction of the new lab­oratory, noting its crucial role in improving healthcare delivery. "Larteh Health Centre now leads in having a laboratory facility among our four health centres in the municipality.

This intervention, along with the nec­essary equipment, will significantly enhance the services provided at the Health Centre," she stated.

Madam Klutuse said previously, patients had to travel to Mam­pong for lab tests, which was costly, adding that the new facility would provide timely and accurate medical care without the need for long-distance travel.

Osabarima Nana Asiedu Okoo Ababio III, in his remarks com­mended CBG Bank Ghana Limit­ed for constructing the facility for the hospital and the community.

He said the Larteh Health Centre needed the laboratory to promote quality healthcare deliv­ery in the area, emphasising that the hospital had been in need for the facility for a very long time.

Consolidated Bank Ghana LTD (CBG) is wholly owned by the Government of Ghana and oper­ates as a universal bank with 114 branches in 13 regions of Ghana.

The bank has strong govern­ment support, a large SME client network, and a pool of diverse talent.  BY TIMES REPORTER