After witnessing the better policies from the reign of the (NPP), Ghanaians will never forgive us if we fail to win power in 2024 says Odeneho Kwaku Appiah (COKA), a former NPP chairman.

According to him, this is the price the party would be paying if they fail to forge ahead in unity and canvass for votes to the best of "our abilities bearing in mind that a win is the only means by which the NPP will continue the good policies like Free SHS and others to move the country forward".

Addressing party members at the end of the party's mega health walk and campaign launch over the weekend at Ejisu in the Ashanti Region, he warned that the country risks cancellation of some policies if the (NDC) wins the election.

He highlighted key initiatives like the Free SHS policy as reasons to work diligently to retain power. "What we all need to know, is that elections have repercussions, it could be either good or bad, but this time, the people of Ghana will never forgive us if we allow power to slip off to our opponents.

The Free SHS policy, is one of the many good reasons why we must win, to protect our children's future".

COKA concluded by stressing that the responsibility to keep the NPP in power lies with the party members and cautioned that failure to do so would be unforgivable in the eyes of Ghanaians.

After the regional first vice chairman, Patrick Acheampong inaugurated the campaign team, the candidate for the area, Lawyer Kwabena Boateng charged the supporters to repeat the voting pattern in the previous elections "Ejisu is known for constantly voting massively for the NPP, this is common knowledge, and we trust that we do it again.

This constituency is the gateway to the region, and we must prove it with our numbers.

We have done it before, and we will do it again, he added.