The director of elections for the opposition (NDC), Dr.

Omane Boamah, has provided details as to why the voter register needs an audit.

Among observations made on the voter register include: 243,540 Previous Transfers illegally added to 2024 Transfers, including Repetition of illegally Transferred names.

15,000+ Unidentifiable voter transfer paths (due to fake registration of voters???).

3,957 voters in 2023 register but deleted from 2024 Provisional Register Due to Transfer 2,094 voters transferred to different polling stations but not found in Absent Voter List as required by Law.

Read His Statement Below OUR DEMAND FOR FORENSIC AUDIT based on Key Observations from ONGOING Comparative Analysis of the 2020, 2023 & 2024 Voter Registers. ----------------------- We had an engaging encounter with the Electoral Commission yesterday about the unfit-for-purpose voters register in a patriotic attempt to heal the register immediately through forensic audit.

THE OBSERVATIONS FROM THE REGISTER SO FAR ----------------------- 243,540 Previous Transfers illegally added to 2024 Transfers, including Repetition of illegally Transferred names.

15,000+ Unidentifiable voter transfer paths (due to fake registration of voters???).

3,957 voters in 2023 register but deleted from 2024 Provisional Register Due to Transfer 2,094 voters transferred to different polling stations but not found in Absent Voter List as required by Law.

Corrupt files not showing names and photos of the registered voters (what if this happens on election day?).

NB: The above Observations only constitute the tip of an iceberg!

But to technical minds, the answer is obvious!

The Extent of Manipulation: How widespread is the issue of illegal voter transfers?

If the Pusiga EC Office could transfer voters from Tamale South Constituency without proper authorization, what is the scale of similar incidents across the country?

System Vulnerabilities: What specific vulnerabilities in the Electoral Commission's systems - Human and Technical - allowed for these unauthorized transfers?

Specifically, will the EC's attempts to address these weaknesses prevent further manipulations ahead of the December 07, elections?

Timeliness of Provisional Register: Why was there such an avoidable delay in providing the Provisional Voters Register to the NDC?

Impact of the Mistakes on the Elections: What is the potential impact of the admitted mistakes and errors by the Electoral Commission on the fairness of the upcoming elections?

Will the mistakes compromise the integrity of the election results?

How does this comparison help address the current concerns, and what lessons have been learned from previous errors to prevent similar issues in the future?

Timeline for Corrections: What is the timeline for addressing these issues in order to derive a reliable, credible, accurate and fit-for-purpose voter register before printing of the registers, and other materials to commence as originally planned and agreed at IPAC?

Answering these questions through an independent forensic audit are essential for safeguarding the credibility of Ghana's electoral process and ensuring that the upcoming elections reflect the true will of the suffering people of Ghana.

Addressing these questions thoroughly and transparently will be crucial for maintaining public trust in the democratic process.

It will also restore public confidence in the voter register and the overall electoral process.

And will assure voters who may feel disenfranchised that their information is accurate and that the election will be free, fair, and transparent.

For the many legitimate voters out there who may feel disenfranchised, we also request for a 5-day RE-EXHIBITION of the register after the forensic audit to enable them verify the accuracy and integrity of the voter register before the General election.

We urge the Electoral Commission to immediately convene an emergency meeting with all political parties, Civil Society Organisations, Diplomatic Community, (ECOWAS, AU, UNDP, EU, USAID, DANIDA, The British High Commission among others) to discuss these issues and proceed to conduct the forensic audit of the registers.

Ultimately, the credibility of Ghana's democratic process hinges on the integrity of its electoral institutions.

We ask the Electoral Commission to uphold the highest standards of fairness, neutrality, and transparency in the upcoming 2024 elections.

In conclusion, let me assure the Commission that our criticisms are not aimed at undermining the Electoral Commission; but rather at ensuring accountability and the integrity of Ghana's democracy. #EAGLEEYES #OrganiseDontAgonise