The family of the late Edward Borketey Sackey, the final year student of O'Reilly Senior High School who was stabbed by his colleague, on September 2, 2024, is our guest on this episode of #SayItLoud.

Both the head of the family, Nii Afotey Chiribour IV, and the father of the deceased, Enoch Sackey, who spoke to 's Ishmael Batoma, while detailing the event that led to the death of their son, partly blamed the teachers of O'Reilly for his death.

Nii Chiribour IV claimed that the teachers watched on as their son was being stabbed by the accused person and left him bleeding out right in front of them without offering any assistance.

According to him, doctors of the LEKMA Hospital, where the deceased was pronounced dead on arrival, said that the late Edward Sackey would have had a chance of surviving if he had been brought to the hospital earlier.

Enoch Sackey, who has now lost his only son, vowed to fight till all the persons responsible for the death of Edward Sackey are held accountable.

Watch the full interview below: You can also watch the latest episode of Everyday People on TV below: Ghana's leading digital news platform, , in conjunction with the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, is embarking on an aggressive campaign which is geared towards ensuring that parliament passes comprehensive legislation to guide organ harvesting, organ donation, and organ transplantation in the country.