Scenes of the political atmosphere in 1969 were not so altered from the ones of contempo years, as accept been apparent in a video aggregate by Ghana Facts & History on X.

In this accurate video, area Komla Gbedemah, a above Minister of Finance who served beneath Osagyefo Dr. , was captured in the calefaction of a attack environment, shows how answerable up the army was as he appeared on the scene.

The atramentous and white visuals additionally captured the action of some of the sympathisers of Gbedemah as they hailed him.

When he took the date to abode the answerable crowd, Gbedemah said, "We charge clean our country. We charge not apprehend bodies from America or from China to appear and do it for us. We may charge admonition and we do not accept advisors, we can seek advisors, but the capital assignment would accept to be done by ourselves, and we charge action ourselves to assignment so adamantine afterwards tiring, that in bristles years, we can attending aback and say to ourselves, could this accept been done before?

"Yes, it could accept been done before, but men were misguided, men absent their faculty of direction, men absent adoration which brought to them into accessible appointment and began to attending afterwards their own interests."

The explanation as aggregate by Ghana Facts & History with this video reads:

"Komla Gbedemah, a Above Minister in 's Government, makes bid for ability in the 1969 Elections in Ghana -- the aboriginal back the aggressive deposed Nkrumah in a anesthetic coup. The administration action was amid Gbedemah, baton of the (NAL) and Dr. Kofi Busia, of the PP."

See the video below: