Former Deputy National Security Coordinator, Hopeson Adorye, has revealed that he was the one who started the false propaganda that former president is a drunkard.

According to Hopeson Adorye, the "drunkard" tag was created just to disgrace the National Democratic Congress' flagbearer, like all the lies they created about him to help them win the 2016 presidential elections.

Hopeson, who was dismissed from the after refusing to support 's bid, urged Ghanaians not to fall for the cheap propaganda in an interview with TV XYZ. "There is propaganda circulating that John Mahama is a drunkard, and I can tell you that it is not true because I was the one who started that particular thing.

We cooked it up in the room and brought it out to defame him." He added that the flask Mahama carries around doesn't contain alcohol but rather ginger water, which, according to his wife, helps his health. "We created the news that the flask he carries around has whisky in it, but it is not true.

John Mahama is not a drunkard, so Ghanaians shouldn't fall for this cheap propaganda." "The flask he carries around contains ginger and water.

I have tasted it before, once when Mahama was travelling, and I can tell you that he is not a drunkard," Hopeson Adorye said on TV XYZ.